╠ Author: mafia_man
╠ Version: 1.01
╠═══ Changelog
╠═ 1.01
╠│It's now using tween_rotate which was bugged in earlier cs2d versions.
╠═══ Features
╠ Custom turrets.
╠ Destroyable turrets.
╠ Configurable.
╠ Highly customizable.
╠ Easy to use.
╠ Up to 9 turrets because of single menu. (But it can be expanded to infinite)
╠═══ Configurable things
╠ destroyonexit - True/False
╠│If true, then if owner of it will exit buildings will be destroyed.
╠ gfxbase - Path to graphics
╠│This is image will be drawn under turret barrel.
╠═══ Customizable turret fields
╠ name - String
╠│Name of turret.
╠ projid - Number (1-91)
╠│Projectile ID - thing which will be shot from turret.
╠│For more information see: spawnprojectile
╠ health - Number (1-X)
╠│Health of turret, if it health will reach 0 when shot turrent will be destroyed
╠ price - Number (0-X)
╠│Price of turret, player have to pay when he builds it.
╠ gfx - Path to graphics
╠│This image will be drawn as turret barrel.
╠ shootself - True/False
╠│Depends on gamemode, if it's deathmatch and it's set to true it will only shoot owner of cannon.
╠│And if it's deathmatch and it's set to false then it will shoot everyone but owner.
╠│If gamemode is team based and it's set to true it will only shoot owner team members, else enemies.
╠ range - Number (0-X)
╠│Range of player detecting.
╠ flydist - Number (-1, 0-X)
╠│If -1 projectile will fly distance from turret position to player position, else it will use flydist number.
╠ shoot_delay - Number (1-X)
╠│Delay beetwen shots.
╠ aim_delay - Number (1-X)
╠│Aiming time (Time for turret to wait since it found player).
╠│It's also be going time for tween_rotate which doesn't work currently.
╠ explode - True/False
╠│If true, building will explode when destroyed.
╠ exp_size - Number (1-X)
╠│Explosion size.
╠ exp_damage - Number (1-X)
╠│Explosion damage.
╠ f_if - Function(id, m, t)/Nil
╠│Additional condition for shooting projectile
╠│id - Player ID.
╠│m - Pointer to turret table.
╠│t - Pointer to turret configuration table.
╠│Function should return boolean, True if projectile can be shot or False/Nil if not.
╚═══ Conditional function example
f_if = function(id, m, t) 	if player(id, "health") < player(id, "maxhealth") then 		return true; 	else 		return false; 	end end;
edited 6×, last 05.02.14 07:25:18 pm
Approved by Starkkz
6 kb, 913 Downloads