Hello, and welcome at my brand new map.
This map is settled somewhere in the desert where some natives were caught by T-s. A small group of elit soldiers were sent there, to rescue the natives.
Now, let's write about the map. It's a cs_ type map. so counter terrosits need to rescue the hostages, or kill the terrorists. T-s need to kill CT-s or guard the hostages until the time pass.
Other data:
> 10 spawnpoint for each team.
> A climbable roof
> Two spawn area for T-s
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Screenshoots and mapexport added.
pic1: Ct spawn
pic2: Hostage Area A and T spawn
pic3: Hostage Area B and T spawn
pic4: On the climbable roof
For the maker of the ctf_afghan tiles
Thanks for playing and commenting.
Have a nice day
Approved by GeoB99
207 kb, 386 Downloads