At first note that this map is not completely finished yet, I will (have to) work on the balancing and a few other things next year.
This map is basically a prison map, just not on earth but on mars, which adds a nice and somewhat new theme and atmosphere. At least I personally like it, eh.
Basic information about the map:
Just like on every other prison map, the prisoners (terrorists) spawn in the cells while the prison guards (counter terrorists) spawn in a special and protected guardian area with access to weapons and stuff.
Cells: there are 6 "normal" cells and one special cell. Cell doors can be opened by CTs only, though Ts can escape from 3 of the 7 cells. The chance of spawning in one of the escapable cells is 25%.
CT spawn area: after spawning CTs can at first choose between taking either a deagle or a 57 (infinite amounts of both weapons aviable). The room next to the CT spawn contains some kevlar, one light armor, infinite defuse kits and night visions, and 10 lasers (to add a mars/space-ish feeling). The laser damage is set to 42 after roundstart. Furthermore there is a bomb spot, more information later.
The prison mainly exists out of 2 big parts, the main part and the outpost.
The mainpart:
Contains T/CT spawns, canteen (ventilation shafts entrance, more information later), space ship hangar, tunnel entrance, deathcell, five-seven shooting contest, interrogation room, research area, server room, escape space ship dock;
The outpost:
Contains bomb spot, shooting range, working place, mars mens' canyon; zombies are hiding there, so you may be carefull.
Most parts of the map are covered by nice athmospheric sound effects which adds some more mars-ish feeling.
...that is all the information i will provide you, if you want to get further info either download and check for yourself or ask in the comments - I would be glad if you do so. Note that I won't post a map export because there are a few sprites which fuck up the map export and make it look totally stupid which makes it useless in the end. It also does not show the teleports and I'm too lazy to do pain(t) work now. So again: just download.
Suprise (laser dmg)
Lubo (chair sprite)
CY: [4th Era]MBT-6 Predator Tank Sprite (34)
CY: [HD]ADFX-01R Morgan Fighter Sprite (22)
useigor: [Half-Life] Loader (15)
claude (I think, used some tiles from as_mars (12))
Apfelbrot (Map, few sprites)
BaDgEr (used the "temple" sprite from BaDgEr | de_arabic-city (17))
User does not exist<all the others who are missing> please tell me if you know if someone is missing, eh.
Enjoy and happy new year!
Do whatever you want with this map, just if you edit or reupload it please mention me as the original creator
edited 4×, last 01.01.13 12:44:08 am
Approved by Seekay
1.11 mb, 494 Downloads