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English de_rad by Captain Obvious [Updated] >

17 comments289 kb, 418 Downloads

old de_rad by Captain Obvious [Updated]

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Yes, I made a new map. It's been a long time since I uploaded something here.

So I made this Bomb Defuse map. It has 2 bombspots and has a place where you can buy (press b) items, I used trigger_start, it triggers both CT and T spawn there so you wont able to spawn inside but you're able to buy. It's where the hostage guy is.

I know I still need to improve my mapping, so I wont be surprised if there's a bad comment. But I hope you like it!

> Screenshots:

• 1: CT Spawn
• 2: T Spawn
• 3: Bomb Site A
• 4: Bomb Site B
• 5: Portable Shop

> Rules:

• Don't re-upload without my permission

> Credits:

• user DevGru (Myself).
• user useigor For the vehicle sprites in the map.
• user Ice-cream16 for the background.
• user DC for the original CS2D sprites used in this map.

> Other Notes:

• You notice that the tiles are different in the screen, but it's just dust tiles. I'm using a different one.

• This map is playable with bots.

∗ Updated V1:

• More cover
• Tank is at the middle of the map (Credits: user useigor)
• Added a truck and a broken car at the garage (Credits: user useigor)
• Added fake shadows (Credits: user DC)
• Removed env_breakable at the shop.
• Darken palm trees at Bomb Site A
• Added background (Credits: user Ice-cream16)
• Added new Map Export (Original dust tileset)

> Note: The map now has a background, you just can't see it from the Map Export. Weird.
edited 5×, last 01.12.12 10:27:13 pm
Approved by Sparty

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289 kb, 418 Downloads


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BANNED Off Offline

Awesome! 10/10
I like it!


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@user DevGru: K thanks.
I like it!


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@user zazz: I got the wall shadows from the "vr" folder inside the gfx folder. The tileset is dust, I'm using the one from here: file File does not exist (2552)

When you download that CSS thingy, there's an installer inside the .zip, click it, browse where you would want to put the skins.

It's in Spanish so just do what I said if you want the tileset.


User Off Offline

Looks better with the new tiles, and those Wall shadows
from where you got em'?
I like it!


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@user FACK: What?

Edit: Map updated, re-download please.
edited 1×, last 01.12.12 07:27:30 pm


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verdantly?? : /


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@user Suprise: Thanks.

By the way, can anyone give me a good tileset to use? So when I make a new map I wont use dust or any original tileset.


BANNED Off Offline

I like it.
I also agree with @user Apfelbrot.
I like it!


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@user DevGru: just place the tank in a different location, so players can see it. With theme i mean some kind of recognition value. Just some more or less central thing which makes the map special, the tank for example (maybe add some sfx to the tank btw).
I like it!


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@user useigor: The tileset I'm using is dust, I'm using a different skin for it.

Everyone else: Thanks for the suggestions, I'll improve the map when I have time.


@user Apfelbrot: Do I remove the tank from the garage and place it in a different location or make another tank in a different place?

Also, what do you mean by theme?
edited 1×, last 30.11.12 09:22:36 am


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Not very good in my opinion. Reasons are already named.
Just don't upload a map that takes someone 10 minutes to produce. Spend more time in it!


User Off Offline

You can make better, but looks nice
I like it!


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I like my sprite, but tiles sucks. I agree with user Apfelbrot.
I like it!


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it looks good. 3/5
I like it!


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Those footpaths looks terrible, you sould darken the palm trees inside the "rooms". But the other things are god.


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Good job, at least in my opinion
I like it!


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• too open, add more cover
• place the tank at a more central place of the map, right now it's just a random placed sprite which you will hardly notice while playing.
• remove or move the env_breakable at the portable shop, shadows are looking awful at that place
• maybe think about adding screenshots where you use the original dust tiles, sadly not everybody reads the description
• darken the palm trees inside the env_room areas
All in all it looks for me a bit like a random map, some kind of theme would be nice.
I like it!
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