*UPDATED VETERANPACK*Fluphy User Offline 15.11.12 02:17:56 pm Hi all im updated the "veteranpack" v0.2.4. - AK-47: - Realited* - CM901: - Realited* - Rpg: - Realited* - M416: - Realited* ( * = Kill image, Drop image ) Approved by Sparty (10.12.15 01:06 pm) Download 157 kb, 336 Downloads
avavavCampeR1234 User Offline 01.12.12 09:53:00 am AAA! Very Good ! Nice gun all ! BIG LIKE!! I like it!
My Eyes Pop,because of the Shading!Don Captione BANNED Offline 16.11.12 06:10:43 am Enchance it,its like a Eye-Garbage For me.Also Your English Skills Thou
useigor User Offline 15.11.12 05:42:29 pm Fluphy, still looks ugly, especial RPG. 0a, nope. He must update old and delete this, if you didn't knew. Because he ignored this guideline: QuoteDo not upload several versions of the same file (edit the old file instead!)
0a User Offline 15.11.12 05:28:27 pm If this is a newer version of your "Veteranpack", you should delete the old file.
Shawni User Offline 15.11.12 04:07:12 pm @ zazz: Better ? of what ? I suggest to remove the m4a1 sound I like it!