The pack uses my 3D templates as all my work revolves around that but V2.0 will include the classic CS2D layout.
PLEASE NOTE that this pack does not include armor and equipment as that will be included in the complete pack in V2.0 So Marines dont have their NV or PCV vests+backpacks and the security Guards don't have their armor as well.
The regular CS2D Kevlar will be used for BM security and scientist VIPs like Rosenberg in conjunction with lua and sprites. the Marines PCV vests are the medium & medic armor and the rest of the armor will be primarily HEV variants. This of course all requires a proper set of lua to make this functional for HL DM servers.
This is a full pack including all Ts, CTs, and even a VIP

They are as follows
Approved by Sparty
13 kb, 550 Downloads