domination dragon strikedragon_soldier12 User Offline 20.10.12 11:18:07 pm my first map the dragon strike not much to say really. just dont copy the map thanks to the JAIL TILE GO MAP.. really a success hope you like it. i know it sucks. it's my first map Approved by GeoB99 (18.09.16 01:31 pm) Download 220 kb, 376 Downloads
Shawni User Offline 21.10.12 04:57:14 pm Useful. QuoteIt's my first map Noway, It look like your best map I like it!
useigor User Offline 21.10.12 11:13:47 am hacked, 1.) Start "CS2D.exe". 2.) Open "Editor". 3.) Open "Tools / More Options". 4.) Choose size "Minimap". 5.) Press "Export as Image". I like it!
EngiN33R Moderator Offline 21.10.12 10:25:46 am Looks like something out of Subvein. Masterful use of lighting. Good job. I like it!
Infinite Rain Reviewer Offline 21.10.12 09:25:02 am Lighting, and the way how you use tiles are nice. I like it I like it!
Suprise BANNED Offline 21.10.12 07:27:46 am The lights are cool, but the map(Roads or what is that) isn't. I like it!