Cool Machine GunUnknownx5 User Offline 13.10.12 01:34:14 pm i take 20 minutes to finish this weapon this is my first weapon Approved by CY (19.07.16 04:04 pm) Download 7 kb, 440 Downloads
4Vendetta User Offline 15.10.12 04:49:09 am Nice, but looks like a laser, more than one machine gun, jajaja I like it!
DevGru User Offline 14.10.12 07:23:48 am @ Chingy: What, I'm going to rescue someone from the mental hospital? I like it!
Chingy User Offline 14.10.12 07:02:25 am @ Unknownx5: The gun doesn't look bad at all. Would rate 3/5 DevGru to the mental hospital!
DevGru User Offline 14.10.12 04:43:19 am @ Unknownx5: You're welcome. DevGru to the rescue! I like it!
DevGru User Offline 14.10.12 02:47:18 am @ Unknownx5: Go to server settings and turn off Fog of War. I like it!
Unknownx5 User Offline 14.10.12 01:28:43 am i create new game and when i play it look like 2nd and 3rd my picture.I want see all map, not use flashlight
DevGru User Offline 14.10.12 12:58:25 am I'm not saying this is stolen but I think I saw its weapon template before, I just can't remember. Yeah, it looks good. But the colors doesn't really fit with the gun. @ Unknownx5: Go to options - graphics - lighting - turn it to simple/normal. I like it!
Unknownx5 User Offline 13.10.12 11:54:32 pm can i ask 1 question how to turn the light engine to see all look at my 2nd and 3rd picture
WinterPwnd User Offline 13.10.12 11:05:25 pm Not bad, i mean it has shading and stuff, looks weird though, kinda futuristic. I like it!
EndDead User Offline 13.10.12 02:32:32 pm Duh, anyone who makes anything and takes time on it will see it looks awesome, CAUSE YOU MADE IT YOURSELF! Anyway looks kinda weird, try to make a realistic one next time. A like to you keep up or w/e, duh I like it!
Raisun User Offline 13.10.12 01:50:31 pm The silly thing is, I downloaded it and I like it, somehow. I like it!