Have you ever been annoyed of adding 100 files in servertransfer.lst? And some of them even had a typos?
I got the solution!
Let me introduce... Automatic servertransfer.lst writer!
What it basically does:
Each file in folder where this tool is located, will be written in created file 'servertransfer.lst'.
The result 'servertransfer.lst' will be created where the tool is.
It will accept only png, bmp, jpg, jpeg, wav, ogg formats
- Some grammar errors
- Now support .wav and .ogg formats
- Now support .wav and .ogg formats
If you have any ideas/bugs then leave it onto comments section below!
So I hope you understood my fucked-up ingriss.
edited 5×, last 21.03.13 01:12:45 pm
Approved by CY
376 kb, 778 Downloads