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English NPCzm_BL Camp >

5 comments3.41 mb, 389 Downloads

old NPCzm_BL Camp

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• This my first map i uploaded.

• The NPCzm_BL Camp, was based on a map zombie apocalypse map called za_BL Camp.
> Heres the preview of the original map:

> You need to have Vectar666's Player vs Npc script to run the game.(or else itll be useless to play)
• Heres the link if you dont have it:

> The maps has different types of npcs:
The soldier,zombie,headcrab and vortigaunt.
> It is actually fun if you put bots in the game.

∗ Here are some things in order to survive.
° The map is totally full of npcs(literally),The best weapons you use is close range and mgs.
° machete is very helpful in the map cause it has a "One Hit Kill" on a npc.
° as you can see from the whole view of the map(1st image),there is a ammo create press it and wait till the ammo will come out.
° the assault truck's back and driver seat has items.
° vortigaunts are acting as snipers but they can easily be kill by close range.
° If you can see the very dark bricks.This where the headcrabs spawn.
√ If you can see any bug..Comment down below.
× do not edit unless you have my permission.
Have fun and enjoy cookie
edited 1×, last 20.08.12 12:11:41 pm
Approved by Seekay

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3.41 mb, 389 Downloads


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Tank is really huge, dude.


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Yes you can.but the whole tiles was not from me though


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Nice but not the Best , Why a Big Tank?
Overall i give 3.5/5 ,
Btw, Can i take some of your tiles?You know Copy it and paste it to my own custom tileset? Thanks!
I like it!


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well i just like placing some vehicles there


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WHy you place a TANK?
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