iQu's Colt M4A1smnnn User Offline 11.08.12 12:15:49 pm All images and sounds for M4A1 included. Made with GIMP. Hope you enjoy. edited 2×, last 11.08.12 12:21:08 pm Approved by Yates (04.12.15 09:50 am) Download 253 kb, 629 Downloads
sucopinga User Offline 11.08.12 02:26:50 pm please build for me the weapon m72 law? i like this I like it!
buraxia3 User Offline 11.08.12 01:13:41 pm Sounds sounds cool at least doesn't looks like snark attack. Why the silencer doesn't included in drop image? I like it!
smnnn User Offline 11.08.12 01:05:51 pm @ DrL: I'll make it after the PP90M1 'cause it was suggested first. But I've already finished the shape of your RSASS so I'll probably upload it tomorrow.
Majatek User Offline 11.08.12 12:35:28 pm Oh man oh god oh man. Move over everyone else, smnnn is in town and he's making even the most repetitive gun submission look unique and cool. I like it!