China Lake [By SkullzOrig]SkullzOrig User Offline 08.08.12 02:57:57 pm Took me quite a while, hope you all like it. Texture is not the best, tried to make it as detailed as I could. download it like it steal it reupload Approved by Sparty (27.01.16 12:32 am) Download 69 kb, 349 Downloads
SgtZetaCrusader User Offline 01.11.13 07:54:45 pm I think this was the first gernade launcher,or better to say Thumper (that's how i call these) I like it!
Majatek User Offline 09.08.12 10:39:02 pm inb4 someone getting annoyed by people using inb4 Also SkullzOrig you could do a little better, your shapes are decent here, but you need to make it less washed out and flat looking.
smnnn User Offline 09.08.12 10:25:22 pm @ SkullzOrig: Then you failed, it still looks like shit. inb4 iQu you ninja'd me
SkullzOrig User Offline 09.08.12 10:16:29 pm Of course im slow, i see the first time I do it and it looks bad, so I keep on redoing it over and over.
TheHamzan6 User Offline 09.08.12 07:58:25 am It takes only 15~30 minutes to make this weapon. This weapon is ugly, and you're a slow skinner.
SkullzOrig User Offline 08.08.12 08:35:01 pm @ Sriyus: Sorry, I hate golden weapons. If you want you can edit, but do not reupload it.
Chingy User Offline 08.08.12 05:01:32 pm @ Lubo: Maybe he fapped nearby to pr0n? It might not be that easy to find a 2 inches one.
Lubo User Offline 08.08.12 04:58:28 pm 4h o.O What... you made this for 4h. I don't know why did U made it so slow. And it's nothing special.
Yates Reviewer Offline 08.08.12 04:49:59 pm @ SkullzOrig: They are communistic, the government decides what gets produced. The more you produce, the cheaper it is. And since China is a large country they can produce in the God-knows-whatever-illions.
SkullzOrig User Offline 08.08.12 04:46:30 pm The thing about that is, they find ways to make things easier with less money, then sell it for more money than it cost to make.
Chingy User Offline 08.08.12 04:20:42 pm Made in China, and like most stuff that was made in China its cheap and crappy.