deathrun_target v5.2Tajifun User Offline 01.08.12 12:46:44 am I created this map about 1 year ago, but I was asked to share it. Perhaps somebody else is searching for it, that's why I decided to upload the latest version of it.. I hope you like it. Approved by GeoB99 (11.03.16 09:38 pm) Download 1.26 mb, 719 Downloads
XoOt Super User Offline 15.10.12 08:17:39 pm in my deathrun time i didnt cared about any msgs or smth i just played I like it!
Black Wolf User Offline 27.09.12 08:05:54 pm @ XoOt: dafuq there is in map written credits with fucking big characters and they even glow and you say that… no words… nice map! I like it!
Happy Killer BANNED Offline 27.09.12 08:00:46 pm Oh. Old days, when the players 90% are not brazilians and kids. And I miss the Old PT servers too. I like it!
XoOt Super User Offline 25.09.12 08:36:49 pm that freakin awesome map is yours?:D played so often on it and never knew that it is yours bro I like it!
BlazingStan User Offline 01.08.12 07:29:51 pm Well,Lubo,using it with WaterFX looks like acid. I remember this map too. It is great. I like it!
Misho User Offline 01.08.12 07:08:01 pm Well i remember playing this map with one guy named: Liking park. Well it was fun. I like it!
TheHamzan6 User Offline 01.08.12 05:39:34 pm Good old days playing on this map. Ah, brings back the memories. Can you make a new version? I like it!
Suprise BANNED Offline 01.08.12 10:29:01 am One of the best deathruns. Good job what you made! I like it!
Happy Killer BANNED Offline 01.08.12 09:23:22 am Oh man! I played a lot on server with the old versions! Awesoome deathrun! Good job. I like it!