function CreateMap(W, H, Blending)
info: creates, and loads map into memory for editing, if blending is disabled then you can't use SetTileData and SetTileModifier.
returns: nothing
function LoadMap(name)
info: loads map into memory for editing
returns: error in string, empty string if there's no error
function SaveMap(name)
info: saves map to file
returns: error in string, empty string if there's no error
function SetMapSize(W, H)
info: changes map size
returns: nothing
function SetTile(X, Y, Tile)
info: sets tile frame on map at position x, y
returns: 0 if position is out of map bounds, 1 if tile has been changed
function GetTile(X, Y)
info: gets tile frame on map at position x, y
returns: frame, -1 if position is out of map bounds
function SetTileModifier(X, Y, Modifier)
info: sets tile modifier on map at position x, y
returns: 0 if position is out of map bounds, 1 if tile modifier has been changed
function GetTileModifier(X, Y)
info: gets tile modifier on map at position x, y
returns: modifier, -1 if position is out of map bounds
function SetTileData(X, Y, Data, Value)
info: sets tile frame on map at position x, y
returns: 0 if position is out of map bounds, 1 if tile has been changed
r - red
g - green
b - blue
function GetTileData(X, Y, Data)
info: gets tile frame on map at position x, y
returns: frame, -1 if position is out of map bounds
r - red
g - green
b - blue
function EntityTypeID(entityname)
info: returns entity id from name
returns: entity type, -1 if entity type with specified name doesn't exists
function ObjectTypeID(objectname)
info: returns object type id
returns: object type, -1 if object type with specified name doesn't exists
function GetEntityList()
info: used to get and modify entities, and later update them with SetEntityList()
returns: returns entity list
function SetEntityList(list)
info: updates map entities from list
function Map(property)
infio: gets map property
returns: returns map property value, empty string if property doesn't exist
xsize - map width
ysize - map height
blending - is map blending enabled
usgn - author usgn number
nick - author nick
code - map code
background - background path
back_scrollx - background scrollx speed
back_scrolly - background scrolly speed
back_r - background color red
back_g - background color green
back_b - background color blue
tileset - tileset
tiles - tileset tiles count
function MapSet(property, value)
infio: sets map property
returns: returns 1 if property has been set, 0 if property doesn't exist
blending - is map blending enabled
usgn - author usgn number
nick - author nick
code - map code
background - background path
back_scrollx - background scrollx speed
back_scrolly - background scrolly speed
back_r - background color red
back_g - background color green
back_b - background color blue
tileset - tileset
tiles - tileset tiles count