Portuguese(br) translation for b User Offline 20.07.12 09:58:35 pm Hello I did a complete translation of CS2D how to use: extract the file in C: \Counter-Strike 2D\sys\ language open the CS2D go into options,game and select on the language : Portuguese (Brazil) Use Edit Reupload edited 4×, last 29.03.16 03:01:05 am Approved by GeoB99 (29.04.16 02:46 pm) Download 11 kb, 550 Downloads
alex_al User Offline 01.08.12 02:27:18 am Omar you are doing translations for other languages? I like it!
BR_Omar User Offline 21.07.12 04:40:30 pm @ DannyDeth:I was offended by this comment, then do not talk about South Africa because I have respect
DannyDeth User Offline 21.07.12 03:59:43 pm This is simply encouraging an unwanted population to play the game. Shame on you!
HaNwKs User Offline 21.07.12 06:41:31 am You could help me so put your credits in another file that I did the upload. so no need to have more than one file. http://unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=10355