CS:S Weapon Skin Pack by GriffonRegera User Offline 28.06.12 10:08:49 pm Hey guys, I just uploaded my new CSS Weapons You can do Use it Use it on server You cant do Steal it Re-Upload it Say its yours edited 2×, last 29.06.12 01:10:50 pm Approved by Sparty (10.12.15 12:24 pm) Download 2.83 mb, 816 Downloads
Dendy Hernawan User Offline 30.06.12 01:51:51 pm Shit Man !!! This Is Nice !!! A Like Your Skin Keep Up !!! Hope You Make v2 With CSS Player SKin's Too ... I like it!
Regera User Offline 30.06.12 09:51:01 am No Jinho i am not copying skin player with CS:S Weapon Skins at game banana. edited 2×, last 30.06.12 10:05:54 am
Alex_Wolf User Offline 29.06.12 03:00:49 pm It ... This is both good and bad. Well it seems that it is enough but not quite identical, and no path. CS: S engine is based on the source and have it 3-dimensional model of the so-that it is unnecessary and he needs CS2D
Majatek User Offline 29.06.12 01:39:06 pm Hey guys. Guys. He doesn't understand that we're pointing out that he's resizing images and that's a nooby fucking thing to do/requires no skill. He's that stupid.
KimKart Idiot Offline 29.06.12 01:11:28 pm @ Regera: Your image? You mean the screenies,right? description has writtenI just uploaded my new CSS Weapons It should be "I just uploaded some crappy resizes" fix it.
KimKart Idiot Offline 29.06.12 10:20:40 am This place used to be cool,but then kids started to register that can't do shit.
BlazingStan User Offline 29.06.12 10:15:21 am Majateka has writtenSigh, horrible resized crap as usual. And uploader with sucka english.
Old Shotguns and New ShotgunsRegera User Offline 29.06.12 05:27:25 am Its a new CSS Shotguns apfelbrot. Yes, gloke i maked an own CSS Weapons.