They can be flashed:

When a flashbang explodes near them, They stops moving (like in real Cs);

The time that they'll be stoped depends how near was the flashbang.
They can "communicate" by Radio:

When they receive a shot, it's probable that they say "Taking fire, need assistance";

When you say "Need backup" it's probable that they say "Affirmative" if they can;

If they start to reload, they say: "Reloading!" (just like Left 4 Dead);

If they have low hp, it's probable that they say "Cover me";

When they see an enemy, can say "Enemy Spotted".
They use the knife, flashbangs and pistols too:

They walk with the knife, and when they see an enemy, they change to their rifle (like an human);

With less probabilities, they can change to a pistol, a flashbang or a smoke granade.
They play a bit worse:

If you are one of those guys who complains of the incredible aim of bots, well, they still have that aim, but they have a lower reaction, so they wont kill you in a second like befor;

They can't collect items or plant the c4 bomb.