[UPDATED]Special Mod for CS2D by Axel340Axel340 User Offline 11.06.12 03:38:30 pm This is a small graphic mod replaces all the skins players and the of weapons, as well as replace any other image ... Distribute only with credit Do not edit 13.06.12 Added: Kill icons. Changed: AK-47. Fixed: Famas, Deagle, AWP. Please report on bugs and incomplete details. edited 3×, last 13.06.12 11:47:03 am Approved by Yates (04.12.15 09:41 pm) Download 2.25 mb, 774 Downloads
ar01 User Offline 19.05.14 11:22:14 am awesome! my skins are way too bad! but really these are epic! I like it!
AstralBone User Offline 28.03.14 05:14:24 pm Good skins have few likes But some bad skins have alot of likes Not saying that every skin with alot of likes are bad,but some of them actually are I like it!
SkullzOrig User Offline 22.07.12 01:27:48 pm The only player skins I use are when they are distinguishly clear to tell apart.
Sparty Reviewer Offline 13.06.12 12:11:56 pm what the fuck!! its fucking awesome the best thing i ever seen! I like it!
Good JoblucaSWAT User Offline 12.06.12 06:05:20 pm LOL NICE GOOD WEAPONS GOOD Skins Good Job! I like it!
DrL User Offline 12.06.12 12:29:30 pm I like all especially the : AWP CT1 CT2 CT3 CT4 Glock TMP P90 I like it!
Axel340 User Offline 12.06.12 12:24:29 pm Pagyra, This is not seen in the game. Memeoji, Julia D14M0ND-H34RT,yes t4 have cigarette. Other, I'll try to fix the weapon as possible.