- Storyline -
You have been dropped to an enemy research site to gather important data. Now, while you have the data, satellite images have revealed something. And, its coming after you.
Can you survive?
- Features -
30 waves of action
Many different types of zombies
Buy ammo from walls to survive
Repairable wires
3 Bosses, and 1 hidden one
Whole new map built for the Biohazard.
- Rules -
To credit me or those who I have given thanks to.
To give suggestions and critic
To use it on your server
Don't flame or revenge rate
And last, dont steal.
- Special Thanks -
Special thanks for:
Bownok for the base script
Ketamire for helping with my lua.
edited 3×, last 15.10.12 01:37:03 am
Approved by GeoB99
42 kb, 838 Downloads