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79 comments5.12 mb, 2,120 Downloads

old Quake 2D Arena

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This is my first mod which start with my own lua. It is not fully over yet, but although it already playable. At this moment, number of people who have downloaded this modification has reached over 10000.

> To install and play mod:
Download zip arhive,
Unzip it to folder with your original CS2D client
(It is safe for your files),
Run QA2D.bat,
Play it and enjoy!

It work for new CS2D versions but, in last versions of CS2D disabled cs2d lua cmd mp_luamap
Now, this parameter is set "0" by default, so when you start server you need to change this option at "1".
Create Server->More Options->mp_luamap->0 to 1->Apply

• Forum thread •

What is currently done >
Special thanks to:
user shotnine (for help with lua)
user JetFighter (for advices with lua)
user SDKey (for help with lua)
user EngiN33R (for advices with lua and server)
user 2D_BRO-Anubis (for help with maps.lua and tests)
user FaqAp (for some skins)
user SD (for idea and help with se1m7 map)     
user Quake-Ranger (for file cs2d Quake 3 Arena TileSet )

Please share your cool screenshots/videos in your comments and show me bugs if there are errors or inaccuracies and send me log-files and screenshots or videos to fix it.


Thanks for your likes.
edited 65×, last 06.04.19 11:13:27 pm
Approved by Starkkz

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old Thanks! You are the best! I like it!

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Awesome mod, cool graphics and skins, level maps similar to the original ones from the 3D version, most of the sounds, level maps and weapons lighting and effects have been transferred from the original game. Good job, it's a pity that there are no permanent servers, and it's boring to play with bots (although the authors obviously changed them too). Although bots are often stupid in places with altitude differences and teleports, but this problem also exists in the original CS2D game.
The mod becomes even better if you combine it with other scripts, such as those that improve visual and statistics.
During installation, it shows several fixable errors, apparently the mod was optimized for early versions of the CS2D game.
It feels like a lot of time and attention has been spent on this mod, and especially paid to graphics - although yes, it differs from the original CS2D - but it looks more organic and soft thanks to the overflow of the alpha channel instead of sharp pixels of the BMP format. At first I thought that these skins were resize from renderers of 3d models, but then I considered that all the pixels of the skins were clear and combined into color transitions.
There are many effects in fashion that are recreated from the original - for example, if someone takes an improvement, you hear it.
And surprisingly, the mod does not slow down, such as Minecraft and zombie mods.
If combined with other mods, such as statistics, and visual ones.
Thanks for the creativity of the authors, it's a pity there is no original open source code - I would like to create another mod from it in the genre of Battle royale or something in the spirit of Warface and Spell Arena.
I think this is the best available mod that modifies the original game among the available file archive.
Tell me how I can contact the author, he has been on the site sooo long ago, and does not respond to my emails.
I like it!
edited 3×, last 29.11.24 04:06:02 am


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The code is compiled and obfuscated, this is done to protect against cheaters. It work at current CS2D version, but anyway later i will fix code and add new features.
Or even may be add an Unreal Tournament version


The Dark Shadow
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Why the code is hidden? We want to learn new things from it, but it's hidden. At least I can't even edit it. Can you unlock it, please?
I like it!


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and how to play online, I go to the server, but there are no


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user SQ Now it work at current CS2D version, but anyway later i will fix its code
edited 1×, last 06.04.19 11:10:26 pm


Moderator Off Offline

@Pagyra, it crashes because you have some corrupted files and settings in your package. Some corrupted audio settings and server.bmp and other file sizes are not up to date.


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I'm glad to see that there are some people who is still wanna play file cs2d Quake 2D Arena (mostly in Asia)

There is a need to add some lacking files and to replace some old files with new ones for game playability.

Last versions of CS2D cs2d lua cmd mp_luamap is disabled
Now, this parameter is set to "0" by default, so when you start server you will need to change this option to "1".
Create Server -> More Options -> mp_luamap -> 0 to 1 -> Apply

If the game closes at start try to get Installer from Creative Labs:

Many problems occur when you run the game on any platform differs Windows. And sometime game crashes with a critical error.
(I hope in next version of CS2D DC will fix some bugs)

But anyway there are some bugs in script to fix, so it is needed to optimize it for the current version (but user Gaios can do that ) - im at a 3 months shift work currently now so i have no enough time and wish for any games.


ExEc ExE
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This file is lacking on likes so here take one
I like it!


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Download zip arhive,
Unzip it to folder with your original CS2D client
(It is safe for your files),
Run QA2D.bat,
Play it and enjoy!

It work for new CS2D versions with some file updates.

In last versions of CS2D disabled cs2d lua cmd mp_luamap
Now, this parameter is set "0" by default, so when you start server you need to change this option at "1".
Create Server -> More Options -> mp_luamap -> 0 to 1 -> Apply
Thanks for your likes.
edited 5×, last 11.04.17 12:20:54 am


User Off Offline

When I opened the currently done spoiler, my computer just crashed with blue screen of death.. gg.
I like it!


Black Wolf
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gud, veri
I like it!


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Thank you user The Gajos:
Found a problem with disabled mp_luamap
By default, this parameter is set "0", so when you start server you need to change this option at "1".
edited 1×, last 13.08.15 03:18:17 pm


The Gajos
BANNED Off Offline

Take a √
I like it!


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Thanks for likes...
Can anyone make a video review of this mod, its features, installation, weapons, items, skins, maps with good quality and voice?
So it takes time and I think I'll pay this work.
edited 1×, last 27.03.15 09:02:35 am



Very good, tested and approved.
I like it!


User Off Offline

My favorite game now in 2D
I like it!


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Thanks for likes... someone try to create server and play with friends?
Do I need to add original soundtracks?
Found an old early alphatest video(6 apr 2012) with 4 players with our voices in Skype:

Pagyra > @user Pagyra
MeeF > @user MeeF (Record this movie)
[GF]Cyxapuk^_^[RUS] > @user shotnine
* > @user FaqAp:

Due our tests revealed many bugs, so I hope someone will offer videos with current version of this mod.
edited 3×, last 12.01.15 08:12:05 pm


User Off Offline

Very good.
I like it!


User Off Offline

@user Pagyra: Man! I wanna show my show down! I wanna participate!! on the game or real life

I'm pissed. let's show off the TOP DOWN!
I like it!
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