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29 comments662 kb, 494 Downloads

old de_village_market

Shotty Balle
User Off Offline

Hi guys,

as some of you might know I take part in Mapmaker's Mapmaking Contest 2012. In stage 3 we had to create maps with some files given by Mapmaker. It's the first defuse map I made. Here's my result.


It's called de_village_market and it's a defuse map with two bombspots. I also used the new room feature to get in some nice lighting effects.
I think pictures say more than 1000 words so just watch them.

I hope you'll like it. Criticism is welcome.
Have fun with it,
Shotty Balle

P.S.: Please ask me before you edit my map and don't steal it!
(It's recommended to play with low lighting and simple shadows.)

Finally I won the contest with this map. Thank you all, thank you Mapmaker!
edited 1×, last 08.06.12 08:58:45 pm
Approved by Seekay

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662 kb, 494 Downloads


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Yes, it's good.

@user Yates: Wow, you like it
I like it!


BANNED Off Offline

Great map Shotty. Maybe you should remove the random boxes. But for me its ok
I like it!


Cure Pikachu
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@user Shotty Balle: I personally don't really mind that extra 3kB of space, but Mapmaker might won't.
I like it!


Shotty Balle
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Thank you all. It was a lot of work.

@user Cure Pikachu:
I made a mistake while creating the map and i didn't want to assign new paths to the sprites, so I left it as it. I hope it's not too stupid.


User Off Offline

Nice the first de map its pretty
I like it!


User Off Offline

Agreed with Krimhorn. And Yates.
Awesome map with pretty tileset and without tons of boring details, or other useless shit
I like it!


Cure Pikachu
User Off Offline

Heh, looks good. I have nothing else to say.
EDIT: Why is aztecroof.bmp in another folder?
I like it!


User Off Offline

Agreed with Yates.
Masterpiece of work, simple but nice use of shadows, and sprites.
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

This is win.

Someone give this guy a medal and a 3 months server. kthx.
I like it!
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