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English Roll the Dice >

27 comments6 kb, 1,004 Downloads

old Roll the Dice

Heartless Soldier
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∗Roll the Dice∗
This script is an imitation of the [Lag] Roll the dice Day server's script (with some modifications
of course).

∗How does it play?:
Well, basically what people have to do is roll an "imaginary" dice, and it will give them a power. That
power can be positive(helps), negative(affects) or neutral(affects or helps everybody).
To "roll" that dice people have to say !roll, but they can roll their dice for other people (a friend or
an enemy not died of course) saying !rollfor ID. Once somebody roll his dice, he has to wait a reload
time (that time can be changed by the admin with !reload TIME).

∗How to be admin?:
Everything you have to do is open the file "pass.txt" and change password = "cs2d" for
the password (just change cs2d, for example password = "heymomimapassword"), and in the console write
rtd_pw ID PASSWORD (in this case rtd_pw 1 heymomimapassword).

•!roll - Roll your Dice
•!rollfor ID - Roll your Dice for other

•!standard - Changes game mode to Standard;
•!fowon / !fowoff - Enable / Disable fog of war;
•!restart - Restart the round;
•!atbon / !atboff - Enable / Disable auto team balance
•!reload TIME (TIME: 1 to 100) - Set the time to wait for dice reloading (in seconds)

Spoiler >

First I made this script in Spanish and then I translate it, so i'm sorry if it has spelling mistakes.
And excuse me for variables and descriptions in Spanish too xD, that's because of i haven't finished the
script yet; this download is like a Beta.

REMEMBER: Put an image entity in your map adding piano.bmp (optional).

Enjoy it .
Approved by GeoB99

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The roll the dice in Cs2D!Could be better but it is still nice.
I like it!


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Pretty innovative
I like it!


Cure Pikachu
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Nice. Reminds me of the server in X-Mas 09
I like it!


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I like it!

old ;Z

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good job
I like it!


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I love this script

I like it!


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I like it!
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