A long time ago I made skins, sprites, splashes etc.
They weren't that good and it's gotten boring. Now I started again, to make Sprites n stuff. First I only did a bed, just 4 fun but after I made it, I decided to create some more and upload it to Unrealsoftware.de
Now I want to hear your oponions about my sprites.
Are they good? Can it be better? What shall I change? etc.
It includes: 15 Sprites for CS2D.
- Old bed
- Welcome mat
- Wooden Table with some paper on it
- Pool table
- Messy bed
- Red / Brown Couch (Old couches)
- Green Couch
- Blue Couch
- Upset TV
- TV
- Lazer beam
- Wooden container
- Green Metal container
- Orange - Brown container
- Old guy
- Another upset TV with a text on it
- Chair
Use it for your maps
Edit it
Re-upload it / Say you made it (Stealing)
Edit: Some guys.. Oh wait. Better said some friends know that I start creating a new Sprite Pack if I get at least 10 likes inside of 5 days (Yep, that's not much but I just started again with creating stuff for cs2d)
I'm gonna Upload it when it's done
Spritepack by Schattex 2
But now I need Ideas of you, for sprites I might create.
For sure I can't do everything, but I try to do something as long as you tell me to do that.
Want more? Click on this link for Spritepack -2-!
edited 3×, last 21.04.12 04:36:21 pm
Approved by Sparty
107 kb, 582 Downloads