Nokia shield.Chex User Offline 31.03.12 05:07:11 pm Credz to this guy for the idea. But I liked it better as a tactical shield, so I made a quick little skin. The only appropriate place to test it was hell. edited 2×, last 31.03.12 05:10:19 pm Approved by Seekay (20.01.18 03:44 am) Download 957 b, 476 Downloads
Contact Me!XNStar Company User Offline 01.05.21 12:21:43 am Serously? No Outline? And You use phone as your shield? too ugly you know it contact me if you want create skin and give me the models if you want
Chex User Offline 20.04.12 02:57:19 am What the actual faq redoxx? He was just happy to see his map. (Decided it was the only appropriate place to test a nokia) And if you guys really want it so much I'll try to fix it, lol. EDIT: Here, I added some more shading. Happy? edited 1×, last 20.04.12 03:21:15 am
Redoxx- GAME BANNED Offline 20.04.12 02:01:04 am Jela331 has writtenSeriously, no shadings or anything. Try to improve it. im not saying your map -.- im SAYING the FREAKING DAMN UGLY NOKIA SHIELD dont annoy me
Chex User Offline 20.04.12 12:37:12 am Guys this is OLD OLD OLD. If you want to look at newer crap, Dem blue armchairs. (17) Also, shading doesn't work very well as a plural noun. At least you guys aren't saying "shaddings".
Jela331 User Offline 19.04.12 09:03:14 pm Seriously, no shadings or anything. Try to improve it. Spoiler Yay, my map!
Redoxx- GAME BANNED Offline 19.04.12 07:37:17 pm this is shit, No shadings No good details Dude where did you learn to make awesome skins ?
Chex User Offline 01.04.12 04:44:55 am @ BlackBelt: Your nokia IRL? Then this is the shield for you! Does it come in handy in real life? Self defense? Throw it, it's a dangerous weapon.
deletemepl0x User Offline 31.03.12 07:24:24 pm @ Mark Crimson: No. Users started creating nokia wpns when MAX-russia posted a nokia shelter pic at Funny pictures thread
Apache uwu User Offline 31.03.12 07:22:02 pm @ Mark Crimson: Because electric appliances are epic as skins @file: looks nice I like it!
Mark Crimson User Offline 31.03.12 07:18:00 pm Nice idea. But why when i created my Ipad granade some users started creating cell phones skins? I like it!
Alistaire User Offline 31.03.12 07:04:24 pm @ Mechanolith I think people don't get the meme at all. Well, I can leave the 'I think' anyways.