Is very cool,now only need copy all images and paste in desktop,next rename in grenade launcher make the grenade,sounds,screenshots and upload.At finish TACHAN pulse rifle (AR2) and grenade launcher (AR2 pulse grenades mode) is easy me make but can´t upload my PC have a temporal crash i am in other PC (the problem of my PC no this is a BSOD)
I said I think it looks like one. I just had a conversation with Doctor Freeman. I believe it isn't a resize, although it really looks like one. So you get constructive feedback!
1 - The buy menu image could have more detail. Even though the default ones are small, you could have made you custom skin bigger to make use of the space you have in the buy menu. The Pulse Rifle has alot of detail in the model, which would naturally mean that your sprite should be bigger. That way, you can add more details.
2 - Colouring/Shading. The shading could use a little more smoothing. That way the skin will look better, even for a small skin. The difference in colours from the same part should not be too different. Unless you are making a bigger skin, shading should be kept to a minimum. I don't mean eliminate any shading, but just use about one or two shades of the colour for darker regions.
Because of Maxcena's Comment everyone thinks this is resize but I Really worked hard on it! Just makes me feel bad if someone says it's resize. I really did it with no black borders to make it look like 3D but it didn't look like. Maybe I should quit making HL2 :2D skins
Seriously, you need glasses. Jealous? You must be kidding me. If you actually downloaded the skin and seen resizes before, then you'll actually notice what I mean.
The outline has some brownish pixels. Which probably indicate they were from the resized version of the first screenshot. You can see there is an obvious gap in between the barrel or whatever you call it. But in the skin itself, it is brown. Why? Obviously it is from the background. He says it's not a resize. Maybe it isn't. But it definitely looks like one. I'm only stating what I think about tbis skin. Do you have a problem with that?
Anyway, I would prefer if you optimized the space you have for the buy menu image. That would make it better.
Love it BTW so u mind if i use it in a lua experiment with ur Dark Matter gun for grenade launcher? I want to make a lua that allows u to hold & use both weapons in 2 slots IE makes the RMB fire the dark matter gun & LMB fires AR2 >:3 The drop model would only show the AR2 skin.