My another try to make Mission Series. I hope, this one is finally good.
STORY: Something happened in library today. Survivors said, there was crazy guy attacking other people in library. You have been sent to that library to find out, what really happened.
How to play:
- Play Deathmatch to easier respawn, when died.
- Play Standart, if you want to try this mission without dying.
- set more time for round, when playing standart. 5 minutes is not enough
- Play SinglePlayer, or Coop, recommended with 2 player.
- Do not steal
- Edit with my permission
Lua: CT´s and T´s cant hurt each other.
- Play this without own music on (only cs2d and mission sounds) and in dark room. Its not that scary, but its dark map and its hard to see map.
- Turn Flashlight on
- Try to find light switch, when entering dark room.
This is ALPHA version, V 1.2
Version History:
1.1 - Fixed walls
- Added some stuff in map
- Map extended
1.2 - Fixed wall cut
- Added re-use delay for first door
- Added checkpoints
- Reduced ammo spots in map
- Added lua
Thx to all owners of their sprites and sounds used in this map.
Thx to Factis699 for making lua
100 downloads, thx rly...
20 likes, omg thx
Chapter 2 Trailer (Spoiler)
I hope you will enjoy this map.
edited 24×, last 28.02.15 06:38:07 pm
Approved by GeoB99
2.63 mb, 573 Downloads