My first map for Counter-Strike 2D (actually sixth but that's another and a long story...)
This map is a remake of the classic Pac-Man Game Map (Oh not another one! Yeah not very creative of me, I know). It is different from other remakes out there.
The tileset, sprites, and map have been created by me. There are cool special effects within this map. (at least I think they are cool.)
I have taken quite a few efforts towards making this map. I made my own sprites based on original ones. Also I compared the CS 1.6 version of map with CS2D version to include all the special effects. Also the gameplay time is nearly equivalent to that of CS 1.6.
And yea, don't judge map by the images. It looks good in-game :O.
Installation :-
Just extract in your CS2D installation folder.
Custom stuff :-
Custom sounds are in ..\sfx\parabolt\pacman\ folder.
Custom sprites are in ..\gfx\parabolt\pacman\ folder.
If you are gonna use this stuff anywhere please credit the original authors.
Also if you are remaking \ editing \ remixing this map, I'd like to know about it if possible ;p.
If you are downloading this, please rate the file.

Please report any bugs in map / English used in readme. Please give any suggestions to improve map.
If possible, please tell me of any other way to make sprites blink (like tile animations) for a period of less than 1 second.

edited 3×, last 01.02.12 06:11:22 pm
Approved by DC
37 kb, 508 Downloads