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So far there are 4 (3 in de_mountain 1 in esc_city)

in de_mountain there are 2 easter eggs, can you find them?
Note: if you find the eastereggs to easy pm me and ill make them harder in MP 2

Please rate and tell me what you think and any ideas will be nice (you'll be credited

esc_ = Escape, a NEW (might already exist, if so i will edit) type of map where you have to get to the escape point before time runs out (in esc_city it's a truck)

you can:
use them on your server

upload to other websites (ASK first)

edit them (Again ASK first)

you won't:
say they're yours

edit or upload WITHOUT permission

Mappack 1 (Starter Pack) Contains:

Mappack 2 needs more maps and im getting worse at making them every day so i need Helpers! if you are interested message me (as it says in the news :D) join the cause, join the list, join me in my plan for world domina- i mean, world wide ratings! (you will be credited, if i take over the wor- i mean if you send me your maps or make maps for the mappack)
Peace out, Ninja_Assassin

edited 32×, last 09.06.11 09:32:43 am
Approved by GeoB99
122 kb, 474 Downloads