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English 'Black Hawk Down' Colt M733 Commando >

11 comments372 kb, 441 Downloads

old 'Black Hawk Down' Colt M733 Commando

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#Updated everything, from the drop sprite to the renders. I have deleted the old version from here and decided to upload the new version, instead of updating the old one.

Here is my try on the M733 Commando from the movie 'Black Hawk Down'.

Includes custom sounds by Strelok!

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edited 1×, last 13.05.12 04:20:07 pm
Approved by Yates

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372 kb, 441 Downloads


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Damn it, there are a lot of awesome weapons that I haven't seen yet!
I like it!


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@user CS-GO4ever: You're an idiot.

Nice skin overall, but the handle on the buy image and the mag on the drop image look a bit weird.
I like it!


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OK OK,the M4 are now in the...I don´t know where is my fater know where is the M4,i didn´t have space for the M4 in my room,i have a very big gun(this gun no is real is a airsoft gun if u want to know what is this gun send to me a message)and now i am training with a Butterfly Knife(Balisong).
I like it!


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@user CY: Yea you can buy civilian semi auto only Bushmaster AR type M4A4/M4A5 carbines if you live in the right state and fill out the proper paper work. Ive seen them go for anywhere from 500-1000 bucks ... I dont recommend them tho Bushmaster products tend to be a bit cheap when compared to the original Colt weapons.

And its nothing to be proud of the M4A4 is the definition of a shit rifle almost as bad as the original M16/M16A1s >> had one of those POS rifles blow up on me >_< The whole fucking upper receiver gave way I was frigging lucky to get away with just having my eyebrows singed
I like it!

old @CS-GO4ever

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Wow, you have an M4A4 in real life.. Now, tell me how much does it weight and how many $ you need to pay for that.
I like it!


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I have a M4A4 carbine in real,no airsoft,a real 5.56mm carbine.
I like it!


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Awesome, but again you need to fix the mag on the drop and kill images..
I like it!


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Wow , When i took a look at the Screenies then back again it looked the same , but a little different Colors..
I like it!


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@user CY: I made the camo darker on my version to suit my preferences better, but otherwise I think it's pretty close.

old Well..

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From what I can tell, the camo' is totally different than the actual image. I see that you have added sound files! Make sure you gave the credits to the owner!
I like it!
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