I don't like people crashing servers. Everyone also was votekicking him, but he started to yell in the chat to "DONT KICK ME SERVER LAG"

Player called "Admin 2" cheating
4 replies

I don't like people crashing servers. Everyone also was votekicking him, but he started to yell in the chat to "DONT KICK ME SERVER LAG"
How would he even ban that guy, if he only knows the name (which isn't enough at all).
He crashes server after he joins
Maybe making a video will help

(do not forget to record his informations)
I hope you understand that I can't ban an entire account just because someone sends screenshots (which in this case don't confirm anything at all). It's far too easy to fake and there is no way for me to verify it. This is a general thing. I never do it.
In this special case we do not even know the user account ID. Just the in-game nick - which is worthless. There is a user

Also "Admin 2" is a bad title for obvious reasons. Fixed & closed. I'm sorry that I can't help you. I totally hate cheaters too but I don't want to risk to ban innocent players.