I need from help from you Pros out there. Please make this!!!

Admin/mod comment
If it's not related to UnrealSoftware projects, then post it on Off-topic section. /Starkkz You could asked or request someone to make that?
Buy/download Black Ops 2.
I did, and I finished the game too, I'm happy like a dumbass.
Seriously, this is illegal?
What the fuck is illegal on this comment?
Buy from Gamestop or download from Amazon.
Genius admins here edited 2×, last 27.04.13 04:57:35 pm
Admin/mod comment
mansu321progamers has written
Buy/download Black Ops 2 with Skidrow.
I did, and I finished the game too, I'm happy like a dumbass.
1. Illeagel 2. Off topic -- Seriously, what were you thinking of?
I may work on that later, good luck to others who will try
Here is what I came with, you may need to edit it to change the shading a little bit..

EDIT2: Forgot to say, if you liked it, tell me to make a drop and hold images edited 2×, last 22.11.12 07:26:09 am
Pretty good design there!
You got the side view. The top-down view shouldn't be that hard.
Few sounds, a couple of scripting..
And you're good!
mansu321progamers has written
Buy/download Black Ops 2 with Skidrow.
I did, and I finished the game too, I'm happy like a dumbass.
Seriously, this is illegal?
What the fuck is illegal on this comment?
Buy from Gamestop or download from Amazon.
Genius admins here
Do i need to add more? Admin/mod comment
mansu321progamers has written
Buy/download Black Ops 2 with Skidrow.
I did, and I finished the game too, I'm happy like a dumbass.
Seriously, this is illegal?
What the fuck is illegal on this comment?
Buy from Gamestop or download from Amazon.
Genius admins here
The part that's illegal is the Quote
download... with Skidrow
part. You clearly ment downloading it illegaly - which is illegal.
This webpage has to be COMPLETELY free of any links to illegal stuff. We don't want DC to have to go to prison. Please. Nobody here wants that.