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English safe zone script

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old safe zone script

User Off Offline

can someone make the script safe zone like you have to put the x and y of the place you want to be a safe zone and if your in one on the top of your head it will say SAFE and if your not it will say nothing so can someone please make it

if someone makes it can that someone upload it to scripts if i get it i will have a

what you can do
make it √

btw the safe zones are safe so people cant get hurt in them but if your not in one you can be hurt
edited 1×, last 20.08.11 01:15:29 pm

old Re: safe zone script

Reviewer Off Offline

Why don't you just look in the tibia script and take that part out of it.
Of course you wouldn't be allowed to upload it since you didn't make it. As long as you're using it for your server and that's it.

old Re: safe zone script

User Off Offline

here the code:
Spoiler >

this shoud work
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