
Help with map editor
9 replies

Once you are in the waypoint mode (which is whenever you see the load and save stuff), you can create them. Just click the tile you want to create a waypoint on and a yellow dot with a number will appear there.
To connect waypoints, just first left-click wp A and then wp B.
The dots' numbers are not of interest. You can connect any pair of waypoints.
Things you should pay attention to:
- Never let connection lines overlay walls or lethal tiles. The bots will not be amused.
- The waypoint web should be as thick as possible to provide interesting bot games.
- Do not create too long lines. If you want the bots to walk straight on a long way, interrupt it with several waypoints.
- Waypoints through a teleporter only work in the following manner in a straight line:
Wp A <-- Tp 2's target -- Tp1 -- Tp2 -- Tp1's target --> Wp B
And note it must be a pair of teleporters, because you cannot declare connection lines as "one way roads".
edited 2×, last 05.09.06 12:07:53 pm

Alright. First activate the checkbox "waypoints".


Next step: click somewhere on the map. Preferably somewhere where a waypoint makes sense. Then create another one.

*click* *click*

*click* *pull* *click*

With a bit of thinking you should now be able to create a working waypoint system.

edited 1×, last 19.09.08 09:51:07 pm
Dc already said it, why do you have to damny repeat it

Sorry for the damn spam, but i just couldn't stop myself...