edited 11×, last 18.05.11 07:49:20 pm

CS2D Servers for free now.(server limit reached)
31 repliesroot server?
at home?

are they online 24/7?
you install all within a day. nice! and if you have no time? like holiday, ill, pc broken,.....?
one server with 32 slots 3,50€ and 2 server with each 32 slots 8€? do you got a 6 in math or do you mean that seriously? then i take 2 x 1 !

the servers are 24/7.
holidays/ill i have a friend who can handle the servers.
pc broken I've got 2 computers, and 3 laptops, so no problem if my pc breaks.
If you want to see if the server is any good, look for "test server"
Do I pay for month or only one for everytime?
Do you have a Remote Control for this?
Its per month, and rcon access only, i'll add scripts,gfx/sfx etc for you within the same day.
If your interested pm me.

I'm in europe and i get 63ping
And other people i know get 30-70ping who live in europe
image is my ping.
edited 1×, last 15.04.11 12:15:12 am
the first screenshot is ingame:
as you can see we had EXACTLY the same ping. and not only at this picture. the owner sgt_fuzz said it,too. we had exactly the same ping.
the second screen shows a cmd ping test:
you can see peaks. the ping jumps from 27-117. i tested it more then one time (you can see it a little bit on the second screen) and i got always the same thing: ping from about 25 up to 200. i tested it at my personal pc (wlan). i know that wlan is shit and so i tested it on my fathers pc,too (cable) and it was exactly the same.
in the background at my personal pc runs msn,icq and skype. so: at my fathers pc nothing of them runs and he had the same pings that i tested here
yep, this is quite strange i had perfect ping during the rest of the day and so did others..... and now at night, the pings are high, i'll get this sorted out.

informations about my "test":
-living in west germany
-tested it on 2 computers (one wlan one cable)
-tested it more then one time
-tested it ingame with the owner who had exactly the same ping
-tested it with cmd-->ping
mayby your server is overloaded?
what you can do:
you said you have a vserver.
try this command:
cat /proc/user_beancounters
look for the last line. if you have another number then 0 at the line: reboot your server and dont open so much programs. for more informations about beancounters search on google.
beancounter says you how much RAM and CPU do you have, you use, you used max and if or how often your server is on "his last life

mayby that helps you
btw. the test-server you posted above is not reachable.
@Pyrocracker: using top should be enough, and you don't need root.
@PyroCracker thanks for the info
The high ping problem should be fixed now.
pyrcocracker try again now xD.
Test server
And i'll give a server for a week to test for free to anyone
edited 3×, last 16.04.11 03:36:04 am
sgt_fuzz has written
pyrcocracker try again now xD.
done.here is the new cmd ping test:
you can see: i got lost packets!!!

i tested it 10 times. in 4 of 10 tryings i get one or more lost packets. the heavy peaks are solved. but i still have small peaks up till 60.
here is an ingame screen:
at this picture you see a ping of 42. i picked a middle one. the lowest ping i had was 33, the highes ping i had was 80. i still down know why the server has this differences. and the lost packets now

something about this "test"
-skype, msn and icq on like in the first "test"
-DSL 6000
-location west germany
-16:30 oclock here in west germany
my PC has still wlan so if you want i can try it from my fathers pc, too like yesterday. but i dont think that i will get other numbers. yesterday it was the same and i still use the same pc.
its better then yesterday (ping lower) but today i got lost packets in cmd. dont know why

If i would be payed to use these i would use

Then why post that pointless comment? Don't bother posting here again.