
Source Code Download
22 replies
The source code of CS2D Beta or newer is NOT available. Please DO NOT ask for it! is the latest version of sourcecode which can be downloaded.
edited 2×, last 05.08.08 10:10:25 pm
DC has written
CS2D Source Code Download (Beta
The source code of CS2D Beta is NOT available. Please DO NOT ask for it!

The source code of CS2D Beta is NOT available. Please DO NOT ask for it!
can I ask now?

edited 1×, last 11.02.07 12:14:00 am
Admin/mod comment
this is very bad german. please post in the english forums if you are not good at german. it makes no sense to post something in the german forums if your english is better. and no I'm not going to release the current source code of cs2d. Flying Lizard has written
lies halt mal um was es hier ging und was surfer dazu zu sagen hatte.
nach den Regeln im Wiki darf man einen Wichtigen Thread so oft "hochholen" (falls das überhaupt möglich ist

Naja das ist jetzt aber auch alles Off Topic

Gast has written
ja und?
edit: achso das ist ja furbar veraltet
Es hat nichts mit source (CS Source) zu tun!