Your server does not appear in the serverlist/internet?
Nobody can see/join it?
You want to control your server/have admin access?

Short introduction, important files, how to host, difference between listen and dedicated server:

Please note the following:

DISable the checkbox "Offline / LAN" (or run the console command "sv_lan 0"). You find the option under "New Game" in the tab "Server".

Configure your firewalls (if you have any). You have to allow all traffic of CS2D. It uses UDP Port 36963 by default. Please use or you firewall manual to setup your firewall! we can't explain here how to do it because every firewall is a bit different!

Windows XP/Vista has its own firewall! You have to configure or disable this firewall too.

Everyone who uses a router has to configure this device too! There are at least 2 things to consider (please use your router manual or Google for information!)
- Router Firewall: You have to configure it correctly!
- Portforwarding: The used port (normally UDP 36963) has to be forwarded to the local (LAN) ip of the PC where the server runs.
- Moreover many routers have options like "Applications" or "Virtual Server". You should add CS2D there too!
- Most routers have a DMZ option which disables all security systems of your router and allows ALL traffic to pass. You can enable this option when you are too lazy to setup your router correctly. However this is a high security risk and is not recommended (you still have to setup your software firewalls correctly when you use DMZ!)
- Most router control panels can be opened with addresses like (starting with 192.168. in most cases, the 0.1 at the end can be different)
If you configured everything correctly and it still doesn't work, please check the following points:

- run the CS2D client
- click "Find Servers"
- click "Filters", disable all, click "Okay"
- check if there is an entry with your IP or your server name
( this is your internet ip )

With a chance of 99% the problem is caused by wrong router/firewall settings or by one of the other points mentioned here. Please check all your router/firewall settings again VERY CAREFULLY!
PLEASE use your manual or search the internet to find a guide for your firewall/router!

Nobody in the forum can help you if you tried everything which has been said here! We would love to help but we could only repeat things which are explained here already.
All new threads about this topic will be closed or deleted! Also please never ask me (DC) about that problem! This thread already contains all information I can give you. So asking me is useless.
All known problems/causes/solutions are covered in this thread!
edited 22×, last 15.11.11 11:40:20 am