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old closed US Investigational Spreedsheet

Super User On Online


Check out results here

The most users filled the spreedsheet well...
Some users was kinda retarted.. like your fada,etc
I just lol'd on them
edited 3×, last 01.04.14 03:00:51 pm

old Re: US Investigational Spreedsheet

Admin Off Offline

@user Marcell: The registration date doesn't equal the date when someone became moderator... also some moderators might have been demoted. So this would not necessarily give you the correct answer. I wasn't able to answer all the questions...

old Re: US Investigational Spreedsheet

Super User On Online

May yes, but if somebody registered at the begining thats know who is the first
It's also optional question, so you can say i don't know too..

I lol'd so much, because the most users don't know the community site part

old Re: US Investigational Spreedsheet

User Off Offline

@user Marcell: Nope, take RazerKat as an example. He registered on 2006 and became a moderator on 2012 or 2013.
And giving stupid questions which requires answering like "When CS2D started support LUA Scripts?" is stupid. Nobody cares about the date especially if you didn't give any information like " ( Only the year. ) "

old Re: US Investigational Spreedsheet

User Off Offline

Boring. I thought we could see the correct answers after we finish, or there is a poll that shows u how many people answered correctly and stuff like that.
If not then whats the point of this ;o?

old Re: US Investigational Spreedsheet

User Off Offline

user ohaz has written
@user Admir: Well, I know from a pretty reliable source (a user called user ohaz) that TKD was not the first moderator on UnrealSoftware

Keep those secret, at least some of 'new' guy wasn't knew you was moderator :p.
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