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Englisch TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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alt Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Thank you very much for the clarification. Now it is way more clear to me. Perhaps you should beef up a bit the description in the diary.

Hey man, absolutely no pressure at all from me to get back to code. I know life goes on. You already made this mod the best Stranded mod ever. Any other improvement would be splitting hairs.

If I can keep throwing suggestions in is because that is what I have been doing since day one, and you have been so gracious to indulge most of them that you have spoiled me.

I do want to escape the island, this was one of the first things we discussed years ago when you first started modding -- check out our first few posts. So, that is why I kept asking about the clues.

As always, thank you so much for your help and for a great game.


alt Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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question: how do you make a food preservative or how you called it? I couldn't find it anywhere in the first page and in the crafting log...

I gave the game a go once again and I must say that when you know what you are doing, then it is much easier
Right now I am on large expert island, start of summer, finishing my first greenhouse, storages full of food and water.
Since there are rats everywhere, I didn't even had to eat any of the slime/insects from barks, so i have stack of those as well. Rats can pretty much feed you up to the point that you start farming in large scale. I didn't even need fishing now even if I used is a main source in previous games. Combined with the occasional eagle that is also free food...
Same as previous game, I could cook soups way before i had 6 slots on the grill and one of my fireplaces bugged when it was very close to my second fireplace, both were burning, bugged one had log in it and i was removing coal frequently. One/some of these conditions make the fireplace into eternal fire immune to rain or wood shortage (ideal for destiller)
Also the escaping is not a priority for me since I don't like leaving my camp too much, and when I get to the point that I built all the buildings on the list, then it would take a lot of time to collect and wait, collect and wait, ....
would it be at least possible to give the trade pirate clues for sale (either as very expensive or based on the time spent non the island, clue 1 after 15 days, 2 after 30 etc? not sure if it is even possible to set up like this)
Also when trying to sleep on the rocks to avoid predators, you get fall dmg several times per night, with unconsciousness and all.

It is a lot of complaining in one message, but all of these are details and do not spoil the game experience in a major way. This is still perfect

alt Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Either mix sugar or salt with starch to get the preservatives.

How do I leave the Island? I have the clues but leaving the island with the supply ship didnt result in anything. Please help
1× editiert, zuletzt 15.07.21 21:56:17

alt Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Thanks all for the feedback...i just have no time right now to put into working on the mod atm.

Hopefully soon!!!

@Prinz - When you press Attempt Escape you should follow the text instructions that follow and navigate to escape. It should lead you through a series of directions YOU MUST FOLLOW to escape.

Note: The clues are scripted to unlock and work when escaping...if you used the EDITOR and "gave" your self the clues it will not work. You cannot "spawn" yourself the clues cuz escape will not work then. (if you did this). (Hence, you must find the clues when you are playing the game normally for the escape scripts to work.)

alt Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Ahhh, I remember wasting a lot of time on trying to find an underground spring with an iron shovel. But the steel shovel is an answer.

Also, if your pump runs dry, you can just dig up another spring, destroy the pump (It returns you the resources used to make it), and place it again.

Alsooo, the pirate trade... Is OP as heck. Pro tip for early pirate: He can sell you hemp. IIRC, 12 hemp for 3 coins, or so. Then, you can roll it up into joints. and 25 joints sell for like 32 gold. 1 hemp (+ 1 leaf, but that's easy to get) = 1 joint. It's an easy tactic to just sell all your gold nuggets you have found to the pirate, get a bunch of hemp, and stock up on it before he leaves, then just roll joints in spare time, preparing for him coming back.
Another thing about him is: He literally pays you more gold coins for gold nuggets, than you'd get from smithing them at an anvil.

And just one more... If you furthermore put your effort into processing, you can turn 10 gold nuggets into 5 Golden gold rings, which are worth 170 gold to the pirate, instead of 110 gold coins he'd pay for 10 nugs.

Buying the coffee, grain, and pies, as well as berries for the winter from pirate is the easiest way to not worry about your food supplies. OP.

You know Jack, as a little bit of feedback, I feel you have forgotten one very important cooking recipe in this mod.

Because you know, one of the greatest, most universal food known to mankind, COULD be made in this mod. And even the condiment to go along with it. And I know that if I was Stranded on an island, and I had these two things at least: Potatoes and Oil...
I'd make french fries. And there are even tomatoes but no ketchup recipe!!! Unplayable. JK!

One more thing Jack. I was looking through the code again... And I was wondering. This piece of code below, what is the exact chance of the event happening? Like, could you explain a tiny bit to me the logic behind the code here?
Does it just mean that it rolls a random number from 1 to 24 and if it's 12 then it happens?
2× editiert, zuletzt 02.09.21 22:57:21

alt Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hi, i recently wanted to try this mod out since it looks amazing. sadly when i play it quite often the game will just freeze for half a second up to like 2 seconds. Whenever i run or ride it happens, all the time at random times it happens quite often, whenever the lighting changes it happens and in some other cases too. This makes it pretty much unplayable so anyone got a fix to this? I already tried playing around with the graphics settings and setting everything to as low as possible without any success. Also tried compatibility and admin mode. Tried the hotfix patch in the second to last page but that just crashes the game at the loading screen with an error message that id 41 already exists for the wheat sheaf.

So yeah anyone can help me with that? My PC is quite strong since i recently got it and stranded 2 (also all newer AAA games) work perfectly fine on max graphics settings

alt Hi Lino

User Off Offline

Welcome to this wonderful MOD!

I am sorry to hear you are having that issue. Last time I played the game ran smoothly, and I think there has not been any updates since then.

Hopefully JJ stops by soon and can chip in.

Do not give up. It is a great game once you figure 1/2 of it.

Best of luck!!!

alt Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

well for me this never goes away, game always lags for sprinting, so I don't use it
For the periodical small freezes, I believe they actually get better after few ingame days, I suspect all the timed actions like growing or spawning etc gets spread out, unlike the few first days where all is done at once...or at least after some time you get used to it
Anyway the content is worth it if you can get past lagging, but in general this engine is not made to do it all smoothly I guess

alt Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

As far as I remember, it just does that. I remember blaming it on sloppily written code, but honestly it's probably a lot of things. I think the only solution that would actually help would be a smoother running computer or having good understanding of s2 script + vast quantities of spare time.

My take is that the mod is too resource-heavy, with not enough time put into ensuring added features are well implemented. Gameplay for me was complex and counterintuative, slow, and glitchy. I died a lot and never really got far in the game without running into confusing stuff.

That said, there were a lot of great ideas that went into this, some of which I may copy at some point. Also, I acknowledge the skill that was put into this, and that I have made many of the same mistakes on my own mods, as well as the fact that there are others who have not run into problems and overall enjoyed the game a lot.

alt Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I hear you guys. For years I have heard the "lag" issue. Yeah it is true, for me there is some lag/freeze issues "sometimes when I run" (or I am freeking out during an attack), but otherwise the game runs great for me.

I am no coder or wirzard, so I cannot speak as to code, etc.

I have been a fan of Stranded from the beginning, pffff 10+ years ago? (way before there were 10+ other decent titles in the market about Survival games), and since JJ took over it has been AND still is one of my one of my favorite pastimes.

alt Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hey all anyone still around here?

Been a long time since I played. Cant remember the simplest controls. At the moment trying to drink from a stone and cant remember how to put my hammer away so I can drink. Couldn't find this anywhere in the menus


Never mind I figured it out its 0

Edit: What is the best way to make charcoal?
2× editiert, zuletzt 30.05.23 08:39:38

alt Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

burn LOGS in the fireplace produces the most charcoal. Branches makes less...and other stuff like Bark is minimal charcoal.

the more logs you burn the more charcoal...4 logs produces the MOST charcoal.

the same theory holds true for burn TIME...logs burn longer then branches etc.

alt Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Son of the sky
User Off Offline

Jeez, my english back then was really awful, I was screaming internally when I read that reply I made with google translate back in 2017 when it had a half baked translation system, what is even worse is the fact that despite all the butchered spelling, the 12yo me thought it was as accurate as it could be.

Anyways, my compliments to the mod developer who after all those years managed to update this mod with new content and bugfixes, but it has come to my attention that the last update was back in 2019, do you intend to continue this mod releasing full updates with new content besides bugfixes?(don't mind the bluntness of that question)

alt Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hello, thanks for your interest. I do not know when or if I will work on this mod again, at this time. However, the last update/s added the end game goal of escaping the island. The bugs are few and far between and have been addressed over the years of updates.

I can only say, enjoy the is a fun, free, play. The depth of gameplay as each day passes gets immersive, and goes way deeper than what appears on the surface your first days stranded on the island.

i recommend expert mode...good luck.

alt Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I also played this mod, but in the old version, which was translated into Russian by an initiative person.
I've been playing the latest version in English for a while, but I don't understand it very well, however, I didn't know how to translate the game into Russian. Even now I use an online translator.
Now I have been able to figure out the translation method and am trying to translate the mod, but I have a misunderstanding of the way the code is written. All solutions that were previously implemented by accessing info or procedures (for example, skills or a starter diary) are now integrated into the code. I've already encountered the same skill description elements in the code a couple hundred times :).
Doesn't this writing method make the mod rather clumsy and slow? Including with regard to the issues of suspending the game at every game hour?
This is as an option for possible new changes in mod.

alt Friendly Hello

Super User Off Offline

Been a long time since I have visited. Wanted to stop and say Hi to ALL!!! Hope you are doing well. Hello to you too DC, hope you are well also. S3 is looking fantastic, sometimes setbacks turn out to be a good thing @ new engine.

To Lord_Ygrek: The repeating script code throughout the mod was done on purpose. I found hard-coding the skills within the scripts created less lag. When I had the skills in one location and "called" them to be used in the scripts, this caused a lag spike and was slower than having the skills "already in the script" and accessed within the script "on the spot". Fetching anything using local or global variables creates more and more lag the more they are used throughout the mod. With this old engine it fetches information very slow compared to today's technology. Thus leading to redundant repeating codes, but made the mod run smooth as I could make it, considering I added over 1,000,000 lines of script to the original Stranded II - Massive-Mod.

To fumfar: Not much can be done that I know of as the engine is quite old to say the least. Technically speaking. . .there are many factors with today's technology that leads to this mod running very well on some PC's, ok on some others, and poorly even still on some. Nobody knows why...its just the engine is depreciated. (imo)

Take care all!!! until next time!!!

To Aedolaws: Hope your life is well my friend. May one day we meet again in Stranded III. Until then. . .Godspeed!
1× editiert, zuletzt 02.02.25 10:54:09
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