Been a long time since I have visited. Wanted to stop and say Hi to ALL!!! Hope you are doing well. Hello to you too DC, hope you are well also. S3 is looking fantastic, sometimes setbacks turn out to be a good thing @ new engine.
To Lord_Ygrek: The repeating script code throughout the mod was done on purpose. I found hard-coding the skills within the scripts created less lag. When I had the skills in one location and "called" them to be used in the scripts, this caused a lag spike and was slower than having the skills "already in the script" and accessed within the script "on the spot". Fetching anything using local or global variables creates more and more lag the more they are used throughout the mod. With this old engine it fetches information very slow compared to today's technology. Thus leading to redundant repeating codes, but made the mod run smooth as I could make it, considering I added over 1,000,000 lines of script to the original Stranded II - Massive-Mod.
To fumfar: Not much can be done that I know of as the engine is quite old to say the least. Technically speaking. . .there are many factors with today's technology that leads to this mod running very well on some PC's, ok on some others, and poorly even still on some. Nobody knows why...its just the engine is depreciated. (imo)
Take care all!!! until next time!!!
To Aedolaws: Hope your life is well my friend. May one day we meet again in Stranded III. Until then. . .Godspeed! 1× editiert, zuletzt 02.02.25 10:54:09