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English Massive Mod

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old Re: Massive Mod

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i have an idea for sharpening weapon/tools, here it is:
1xflintstone+fire=1xsquare flint stone
1xsquare flint stone+1xhammer= 1x sharpening stone

combine sharpening stone with any tools/weapon, and it will be sharp again.

@hazy707 nice signature.

old No sand color?

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Heyy, when MM loads up and i play anymap theres no sand color, its just Perfect white (with sand texture) this has happened before with original stranded but i fixed that with Kidnap mod... also it seems to lagg way more that any of my games, like a DPS drop of like... 7-8

old Re: Massive Mod

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I just got the achievement to kill a lion with my bare hands by holding nothing while a defence tower killed it.

old Re: Massive Mod

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2Kill has written
I just got the achievement to kill a lion with my bare hands by holding nothing while a defence tower killed it.

Why was there a defense tower on the map?

old Re: Massive Mod

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Locusthorde300 has written
Heyy, when MM loads up and i play anymap theres no sand color, its just Perfect white (with sand texture) this has happened before with original stranded but i fixed that with Kidnap mod... also it seems to lagg way more that any of my games, like a DPS drop of like... 7-8

The texture of sand is supposed to be white
it lags because your computer has low hardware

old Re: Massive Mod

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I was just messing around in a map I made, just wanted to see if it would be anything important, sorry to waste your time.

old Re: Massive Mod

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is there any other Antitoxin besides medikit ?
i played the mm_mountain map and got poisoned but i dont know how to get [make] medikit.

in my village..., coconut water is the best natural antitoxin[i have my personal experience on it ]. it would be a good idea to add it in MM.

thanks for the great game.
i definitely wait for the next update of your MM.

old Re: Massive Mod

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You take bitter root to throw up poison (found after a certain digging skill level), or use the result of eating plumbs.

old Re: Massive Mod

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Sorry to interrupt, but I heard this mod was discontinued and that Builder is no longer developing it. Is this true? Also I seem to have a lot of trouble with raw meats falling through the wood grille model, and ending up where I can't pick them up anymore.

old Re: Massive Mod

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Mystry has written
Sorry to interrupt, but I heard this mod was discontinued and that Builder is no longer developing it. Is this true? Also I seem to have a lot of trouble with raw meats falling through the wood grille model, and ending up where I can't pick them up anymore.

Nope it aint
and theres a pick up key if you look in options
it picks up every item that is stuck and no its not use key

old Re: Massive Mod

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mocnyfull has written
hazy707 has written
Is there any use for coal or coal dust yet?
I've managed to get quite a few pieces of coal but I'm not sure what to do with them

Coal dust can be used in gun powder

coal dust + ... + ... = gun powder


I really have to go to the doctors... That's a BAD cough...

Locusthorde300 has written
Heyy, when MM loads up and i play anymap theres no sand color, its just Perfect white (with sand texture) this has happened before with original stranded but i fixed that with Kidnap mod... also it seems to lagg way more that any of my games, like a DPS drop of like... 7-8

I think that may not be the mod, but more, your computer...

StrandedIIModFAQ has written
Why is the ground in the game white?
Probably your video card has problems with multitexturing. Turn down the landscape details in the graphics options! Afterwards load a map or savegame. You now should have a colored terrain.


old Re: Massive Mod

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Mystry has written
Sorry to interrupt, but I heard this mod was discontinued and that Builder is no longer developing it. Is this true? Also I seem to have a lot of trouble with raw meats falling through the wood grille model, and ending up where I can't pick them up anymore.

There was the original version back in 2007 which was discontinued, until builder revived it in mid-2008. (Yes, builder made the original too.

old Re: Massive Mod

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well i just downloaded the latest version and my meat takes so long to cook i starve first or maybe its not cooking at all since i seem to just run out of fuel first also becuse you need logs to make spears now i cant mass them for lion defense so in freestranded map i die on the 2nd day please explain to me how this is user error or should i just not play MM

EDIT:read back a few pages discovered all these subjects have been covered and am classifying this post as bitter complaining on my lack playing skills for the updated massive mod as my playing strategy was 2 hitting lions while walking backwards and seriously since when did it take a freaking tree to cook a few steaks?
edited 1×, last 21.01.10 07:13:24 am

old Re: Massive Mod

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fernando14 has written
is there some kind of guide

Most mods don't come with a guide as such because the idea is you're stranded!!! You have to explore, experiment and work things out. But at the same time, being that Massive mod does change the game systems a bit for things like cooking and such. It might be nice if a map maker could help builder out by modifying the first map to be a little more intuitive on how the new changes are reflected in the mod.

old Re: Massive Mod

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first off most of the meet only fals throo if you aim at the slits big problem solved?

second i wus thinking you culd use clay stiks vines pebels logs bark bambo etc etc to make difrent kinds ofbariers and caopys to protect agens egals spikt bariers wuld be nice so the hert things that walk into them on one side also if animals atackt bariers it will bring alot more need fore defens in the game if you just saront your hut with fenses and just jump over to get out you are tecnikly safe most of the time and can just make bred in your litel vileg with alot of water trofs or in my words be a noob
and just a thot but magnisium is a hily flamibl fire starter , flint and flit to make fire shuld be removed flint and STEEL is used to lite fire ever try banging to flint rocks to gether ya go figure one more thing an oven can be made of clay in game it wuld be like a dome with a hole in the side to thro food in it culd cook things faster
exuse my speling
edited 1×, last 22.01.10 10:19:12 pm

old Re: Massive Mod

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neek49 has written
First off, most of the meat only falls through if you aim at the slits. Big problem solved?

Second i was thinking you could use clay, sticks, vines, pebbles, logs, bark, bamboo, etc etc to make different kinds of barriers and canopies to protect against eagles. spikt(?) barriers would be nice so the hurt things that walk into them on one side. Also, if animals attack barriers it will bring alot more need for defense in the game. If you just surround your hut with fences and just jump over to get out you are technically safe most of the time and can just make bread in your little village with alot of water troughs or in my words be a noob.
And just a thought but magnisium is a highly flammable fire starter , flint and flit to make fire shuld be removed flint and STEEL is used to light fire. Ever try banging to flint rocks to gether o_O. Yeah, go figure. One more thing an oven can be made of clay in game it would be like a dome with a hole in the side to throw food in and it could cook things faster.
Exuse my speling

old Re: Massive Mod

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massive mod is now next to impossible i can barely survive let alone trying to make a boat OR a house with an axe that breaks every 5 or so strokes
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