
Carnage Contest Ideas
32 replies
I forgot about cheating and stuff. Maybe check if the player's mission files are exactly the same as others?
This kinda sounds too much, but highscores would be a very nice feature.
Just like the "progress" and "score" files, editing the save file shouldn't be possible in order to avoid cheating.
In addition to the mouse hold, release, and clicky stuff, we should be able to check exactly where the pointer is on the map. Something like getpointerx() and getpointery() which will return the X and Y coordinates of the pointer.
The pointer also disappears after a while, we should be able to stop that. Maybe even the ability to replace the default bloody hand pointer via lua commands?
I'm up for the player's head skin thing too

It's just a maximum of 1-6 custom heads per team, anyway.
This also affects logging in and, more importantly, the serverlist.

Therefore you have to change the IP address in sys/usgn.dat (first line) from

I am aware of how difficult these things would be considering the janky old Blitz3D engine, and how pointless it seems with the low player count, but honestly Carnage Contest is unironically one of, if not the best game in its genre, and I think with just a few modern touches it could be elevated into a game that can be made future proof and enjoyed forever, even if it's only by like 5 people. I'd donate for such an update. It honestly doesn't even require fancy new graphics or anything, except for maybe higher res UI elements so the scaling wouldn't look ugly if implemented.
And if it would just be easier to remake the game in Unity, I would donate for such a cause as well. Even if Stranded III made DC rich

Would be tragic to see CC become less and less compatible with modern systems.
It's tempting to rewrite CC in C# (I would probably pick Mono or Godot as engine and not Unity) but I guess it's not very likely that I'll have the time and passion to do so and to actually finish it


It's just a bit sad knowing there's people still playing old janky Worms Armageddon instead of the obviously superior Carnage Contest.
People will see the light one day

but I do feel like CC is missing a lot of quality of life features, along with server stability and whatnot.
I remembered another fella from the USDE Discord server was gonna try remake CC, can't remember the name, but that was looking solid, shame really.