
ps3or lap.
22 replies
what is better
Only registered users are allowed to vote
playstation3 | 35.71% (10) | |
Have a own Laptop | 64.29% (18) |
28 votes cast
PS3(get a desktop, srs)

Guys fuck off. Ps3 all the way. :PPP
Get a desktop. Or an xbox. But not the PS3.

Guys fuck off. Ps3 all the way. :PPP
Good luck wasting all your money over a console that can't do half of what a computer does.
Get a gaming Desktop or (expensive stuff) a gaming Laptop which is not worth it.

How much money you can spend?
Also, this.
Il sell you one for 100$.

Get a NES.
Il sell you one for 100$.
Il sell you one for 100$.
You can get a NES for £5 or under.
So yeah, sounds like a legit deal...

Holy fucking crap, why didn't I keep that damn thing!?
Oh shit...

If it's for gaming go for the ps3, but if you have enough money go for a good ass gaming laptop ( Althought a desktop would be much better.. ).
If you want gaming on a laptop, alienware or make your own compy.