The number I need is based on the last used ID, which is 197793.

The number I need is based on the last used ID, which is 197793.
I extended it so you can get the highest used ID with

Perhaps in the future with using neural networks.

Maybe make live chat on usgn where people can instantly chat with others?
You can use discord for live chat
The problem is that it does not specify that in VPS servers such as those of the company AWS Amazon or similar, it is necessary to open all ports in the aws panel or any other similar company.
I also remember that if you want your server to appear immediately after your server list is updated, it is necessary to open HTTP ports for some reason that does not bother me to investigate, obviously the UDP you must also open them, I didn't bother to open only a few ports and used the most effective configuration 0-65535, On a server with a core or two that is for a game do not open problem in using it toci.
A duplicate is generated after save for any razon ej :
udp: 0-65535
udp: 0-65535
delete one.
well if they explained in some simpler way than mine in FAQ, it will be easier to put a server online and therefore we will all benefit.
At the time this gave me headaches I wanted that as soon as I open the game my server appeared in the list and worked for a long time this method for me.
The HTTP part is weird. You normally should not have to open that. At least not for incoming HTTP requests as CS2D servers do not listen for any TCP/HTTP requests. They may use HTTP for Steam API calls but that should not affect the server list entry in any way.
Btw: Blindly opening the complete port range is not necessary and also very bad practice and highly insecure. I would never recommend to do that on a productive/live server!
All those people who bother to rent a VPS to put a server online and do not achieve their mission due to lack of information, is a great loss for the game.
as soon as open all ports so that the server appears fast in the list.
I warned that it was not correct but on a server that is only used for a small game, greater security is not necessary
As for recommending it or not, a few years ago when the game was released on steam I was in a competition against brazil (elitebr vs serverlove) in which we experimented with weird configurations so that our server would appear first on the list with the best ping, to keep all the players and fill all the servers.
it is natural that they overlook this since unrealsofware does not maintain servers within the game and only knows the theory but in reality certain problems arise that in theory should not arise, Oh, add this to my lousy English and remember, it's just an idea, they don't need to be considered perfect.
I remember that before someone recommended that they add 3D rendering to the game and they responded that it is a 2D game and not 3D, however then they added 3D to the map.
edited 1×, last 03.02.23 11:50:47 pm

Thanks for the feedback

I adjusted the FAQ ( & and the server hosting page ( to say more explicitly that you have to open the UDP port properly. I also added a "root server / VPS"-point to one of the FAQs.
I still won't recommend to open ALL ports and TCP ports. I can't explain why you seem to get better results with that approach but it doesn't make any sense technically. I assume it was/is just some weird kind of coincidence. I think that you could safely close the TCP ports and the not needed UDP ports without making your server perform worse.
2. Option to write posts in Markdown. Although I'm not sure how emojis will be handled in this case.
Edit: The unaligned icons also affected on Desktop, GitHub text is also uncapitalized correctly.
This is my attempted fix on the icons and also the GitHub text.

2. The bar in the bottom the screen isn't mobile friendly, what about putting it in a sidebar?
edited 2×, last 17.12.23 08:29:44 am

1. Oh, the unaligned icons are my bad. It's easily possible to fix that with fontawesome. Should be fine now. I don't really want to add another icon source as fontawesome already has all the icons I need right now.
2. Are you talking about the main navigation bar? Why isn't it mobile friendly? It's actually on the bottom on mobile to be more mobile friendly


Jokes aside, would be great if you could finally implement a syntax highlighting for at least Lua Code Blocks.