
> > Unreal Software > Report revenge and unfair ratings
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Englisch Report revenge and unfair ratings

245 Antworten
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alt Re: Report revenge and unfair ratings

Admin On Online

please be friendly even if some file are not very good.
rating is justified but you should remove the comment that you can revenge rate... LOL

alt Re: Report revenge and unfair ratings

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Tonton Ed
Look at all his ratings - And yet he hasn't uploaded one map himself? I hate people like this, In my opinion, there should be a rule where, if you don't have at least 1 file with a rating of 3+, then you cannot vote. I haven't thought it through because I'm.. on a tight schedule, but it may target a few revengers/flamers/un-appreciative arrogants.

alt Re: Report revenge and unfair ratings

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user Yates hat geschrieben
user 0a hat geschrieben
Actually, "Your work sucks" is not a flame.

I got a flame mark for saying your English sucks. And a 6 hour ban, lol.

And "dickhead", "fucktard" isn't flame :D!!

alt Re: Report revenge and unfair ratings

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user medeiros hat geschrieben
user 0a hat geschrieben
Actually, "Your work sucks" is not a flame.

"go cry somewhere else" is.

I still can't see any flame comment.
Go - flame? NO
Cry - flame? WTF NO?
Somewhere - flame? err NO
Else - NO
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