Permanently banned by GeoB99

Reason: User used a temporary (trash) E-mail address for registration & posted spam trolling content

Please contact GeoB99 if you have questions!



BANNED Off Offline

Base Data

id-ID 197418
Registration 08.10.22 12:27 pm
Language - not set -
Country - not set -
Old Names
  • till 14.11.23 uwucumshot420


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Recent Activity

- none -


Days registeredyes 713 (23 months)
Latest Visit yes 10 Months ago (07.12.23 07:19 pm)
Latest Post yes 10 Months ago (07.12.23 07:03 pm)
Latest online Game yes 10 Months ago (14.11.23 07:30 pm)

Forum Posts post 0 (Ø 0.00 per day)
- Replies post 0 (100.00%)
- Threadspost 0 (100.00%)

File Comments comment 0 (Ø 0.00 per day)

Uploads file 0 (Ø 0.00 per day)

Messages message 0 (Ø 0.00 per day)
- In-Box: message 0 (Ø 0.00 per day)
- Sent: message 0 (Ø 0.00 per day)