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Englisch It Gets Better

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alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

You should fucking shut up with your "become a bodybuilder and kill all bullies ever" because it doesn't fucking help.

You are the most agressive, controversive and braindead person I've ever met on this forum. It makes not a single gram of sense to kick the shit out of bullies and use them as some kind of goldmine for your ego!

Bullies are people too you know! Bullies aren't just monsters like in videogames! If you go too far on a bully, you are most likely to get kicked in jail instead of him!

Another thing, it seems like YOU are such a person which'd be called a psycho. You think it's right to take advantage of people bullying you just because they do? Why did they bully you again? Because?
Because you're fat? Because you're gay? Do you care that much about other people?

'nuff said.

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

Right. Let`s see.

First of all, no, becoming bodybuilder is not a good idea. I said learn how to fight, not devote your life to looking like antique sculpture.

Police departments often run self-defense courses. So do some schools and gyms. I`m not telling people to become martial artists - most don`t have the oomph to go that far. My advice is simply to learn how to fight. To gain some basic capabilities to resist and avoid abuse. Mere demonstration of the desire to resist is often more then enough to stop the bully.

And if they don`t get it? Then put them through grinder.


Regarding your personal question - well, yes. I`m psychopath. In medical sense of the word. Which means I have much less problems with violence then your average joe, because I don`t have the instinctual understanding of what other people feel.

Which is why I prefer to be overly vicious whenever someone gets to me. Your mileage can vary, but there`s no dispute that what I suggest works. If you can live with yourself after what you`ve done, that is. Some... particularly sensitive just can`t, but that much is best taken to shrink.

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

Now that`s a lie. I may be many types of crazy, but autistic isn`t among them.

Also, no, I`m not a dude. One`d think "Alice" is a dead give-away of my gender, no?

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

Seems like schizofrenia too 0-0


I don't believe you're a girl. And what you just described there looked like you were autistic;

you hat geschrieben
because I don`t have the instinctual understanding of what other people feel

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

Not quite. Autistic simply don`t grasp the idea of higher emotions. It`s hard for them to understand other people around them experience emotions. Thus, they tend to fail in social interaction a lot, because it`s hard for them to understand when people they talk to experience emotions - get sad, angry, elated... That kind of stuff. Thus they appear unfeeling and/or somewhat dumb.

Psychopathic, on the flip side, has understanding of emotions and can see them in other people just as well as anyone else. The crux of that condition is that psychopaths don`t have the logical bridge between their feelings and the feelings of everyone else. They can notice other people feeling something, but they don`t sympathize.

To put a proverb to use, psychopath is the kind of person who can`t "walk a mile in someone`s shoes". I can detect your aggravation and doubt, for example, but I don`t really care much about them, and would think you`re out of your mind if you tried to act on them. Now, if I were getting angry, I`d act on it, and I`d think you`re out of your mind if you tried to stop me. N.B. - I`d see absolutely nothing wrong if you`d get angry with someone else and decided to act on it towards them.


In short, psychopathy (by the way, the term itself is outdated) unites such charming traits as egomania, megalomania and solipsistic egoism. As such, psychopaths usually appear to public as intelligent, assertive and highly arrogant. Holier then thou types.


N.B. - yes, that applies to me. And yes, I do try to keep it within reasonable whenever I try to hold public conversations. Don`t provoke me, aight?


On a side note, this is getting way offtopic from the original theme of the message. Let`s get back to the issue of site dedicated to gay bullying, shall we?

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

visit a mental home, seriusly. You write like you're out of Fallout 3 or New Vegas. You write kind of usefull stuff, still I sadly dont get the sense at all sometimes. Well for me... a psychopath is someone whos completely Nuts in his head...

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

user Yoko hat geschrieben
a psychopath is someone whos completely Nuts in his head...

Nah, it probably meant someone with two personalities. I'm not sure but it may be that way. Once in a while a psychopath will change and act as another person, just crazy.

Good Day us .

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

I love the blatant ignorance of some of the people in this forum. Psychopathy is not defined as multiple-personality disorder, it really defines a large range of mental diseases.

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

Schizofrenia is where you think you're multiple persons, smartasses.


And btw Alice (I bet that's not your real name tbh), I think you're awesome irl but how you bring it, like with needless words as "the crux" and "thus" makes me feel like you're some crazy rich madman.

And if you still think I'm just posting random knowledge about autism, my brother is autistic. Your answers on questions were almost the same as he'd answer it. Just without the random cruxes etc.

Why isn't your profile image the Joker? 0-0

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

Schizophrenia is actually when you hear, see and feel things that don't exist, dumb-ass.

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

I don't like the way people speak in their videos. "It's a part of life" basically, It's horrible to go through bullying in schools. And it'll have an impact on you during the period it's happening, every day awaiting the constant tormenting.
It's funny how these "bullys" only do it, well mainly when they're in a group, or have their possy is around. But when they are separated, the main bully will do absolutely nothing, or at least is at a absolute minimal.
And all these schools having a no bullying policy, and in the end nothing really happens, and it's supposed to be treated seriously.
I remember a few months ago, when everyone went to the new school, we got a lecture on bullying, and we were even given sheets, if we seen anyone being bullied we'd have to report it. Which wasn't such a great idea.
It still goes on the same as usual.

Heh, even i get into some situations, But i sort it out by fighting, It gets the problem sorted out, even though people see it as not the best method, and if you can't fight, then you're sorted of screwed in a way. It's always a good idea, to learn how to throw a few punches, even if possible hit the gym, punch a boxing bag.

Simply telling a teacher, or the principal, doesn't really sort out anything, I got into a fight 2-3 years ago, ended up kicking the guy in the face multiple times. we both ended up in the princapals office, and what were we asked to do? "shake hands and make up" basically.
Simply talking to bullys about issues, in most cases won't do much.

Teachers etc, need to treat these things a lot more seriously.

(Wrote this out of the top of my head and just wanted to have a say )

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

I agree with ken.. Though I don't know how to fight and I'm not a strong guy, you wouldnt wanna mess with me because I come back at you with everything..

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

Its good that in spain there isnt shit like this but back in bulgaria a guy was trying to do the same thing to me, but when he tried to hit me... He ended up with blue over his face. Im not a strong guy but atleast i can defend xd. I think this whole bulying stuff comes from the famiy, i mean how is the kid raised etc. And the other problem is that the kids that are bulyed dont know how to react or idk depends.

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline


Let`s see here.

Multiple personalities disorder. That`s a serious condition that does not have to do anything with psychopathy. Though, just to be fair, some or all of personalities could be psychopaths independently.

Schizophrenia. Again, nothing to do with psychopathy. That condition causes the patient to experience aural and visual hallucinations and in severe cases makes it impossible for patient to figure out what in the world they perceive is real, and what exists just in their minds.


Either of those conditions is serious psychiatric disorder and is usually a reason enough to be committed to asylum for treatment - people affected that much are a hazard to society.

Psychopathy, on other hand, is not quite as serious, and barring the clinical cases when it`s compounded with other diseases like showcased above, or plain old sadism, is not a reason enough to be committed. It`s not against the law to be callous cheating bastard.


Speaking of which, it`s not uncommon for bullied people to develop multiple personality disorder. If they don`t perceive fighting back as a viable option, victim of bullying may often develop alternate personality, which is strong and isn`t bullied. Of course, that personality will usually only surface during the times when no challenge to it is in range.


Regarding my vocabulary? I`m Russian. English isn`t the language I`d speak natively, and I ended up learning my english in school for gifted. As such, they bothered to fill our primary lexicon with high-brow words. In short, it means I`ll need to make a conscious effort to dumb down my speech if I`ll have to speak simple. And if I don`t make an effort to, my usual manner of speaking is just that eloquent.

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

Sorry, but why do you seperate all your paragraphs with three under-scores? Also, your definition of psycopathy is a bit dodgy to say the least and is largely based upon assumptions AFAICS.

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

Because three underscores are as good as separator as anything else I could use to separate three largely unrelated parts of text.

Psychopathy (/saɪˈkɒpəθi/) is a mental disorder characterized primarily by a lack of empathy and remorse, shallow emotions, egocentricity, and deceptiveness. Psychopaths are highly prone to antisocial behavior and abusive treatment of others, and are very disproportionately responsible for violent crime. Though lacking empathy and emotional depth, they often manage to pass themselves off as average individuals by feigning emotions and lying about their past.

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

Wow you wrote that wiki page yourself sir? --


Btw underscores are as effective as my usual ---- things. It just looks extremely brilliant and it looks like you've got a real order in your posts.

Of course it's as much bullshit as adding whole seperation marks like;



And yes his definition of psychopathy is like

"yes sir I know about psychopathy more because I got it myself. [Insert random high sentence], [Insert random unreadable English word]. Now I won't get mad, because I don't understand your feelings."

alt Re: It Gets Better

User Off Offline

No sorry , i hate them so much ,they can change but they just want to be,and that's not my problem
Plus you can't be a Muslim and support gays or lesbians
also its forbidden in other religions as well.
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