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Englisch Some cool CS2D ideas!

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What do you think of the presented ideas?

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Super Turret & Generatos.
23,53% (4)
0,00% (0)
Player Pin-Down.
0,00% (0)
All Weapons Allowed.
0,00% (0)
All of them seem cool.
11,76% (2)
Well...That looks a bit hard to happen...
64,71% (11)
17 Stimmen abgegeben

alt geschlossen Umfrage Some cool CS2D ideas!

User Off Offline

Hey, there, folks! I'm the newest USGN user around (i think) and i enjoy CS2D alot, i play it everyday, and i've been playing it for almost 2 years, and by the way i got some cool ideas which could be considerable while developing the next 1.1.5 version:

Construction Mode:

-Super turret & Generators:

*A powerful turret that can lauch missles or Grenades, with a reload time of 10 seconds (1 Missle/Grenade per reload).

*The turret need to be powered by 1-2 energy generators, which cannot be placed more than 2 tiles away from the turret.

*Only one turret can be placed at a time and it cannot be upgraded.

*When the "E" key activated near the turret, it changes between launching grenades/missles.

*The turret has 50+ life points comparing to the normal turrets.

*The turret/generators need 10-15 seconds to build up.

-Zombie Mode:


*If the survivor loses 80% of the lifepoints due to zombie attacks, the player will slowly lose HP till the player's death, becoming a zombie.

*The player can heal himself, preventing the mutation.

-Standard Mode/Team Deathmatch:

-Player "pin-down" and healing:

*Like in Modern Warfare 2, if the player loses 80-90% of his hp, some kind of special shield will be granted to him, making him resist enemy fire for 10-15 seconds.

*Other allied players can heal him by pressing "E" near the pinned down player.

*If the player is not healed in time, he dies.

(PS: i don't have MW2, but i've seen alot of videos.)


-All weapons allowed:

*When in Deathmatch mode, Terrorist and Counter Terrorists will be able to buy any weapon.
(Example: the T can buy weapons like the M4A1 or the FAMAS, while the CT can buy weapons like the AK47 or the GALIL).

I know these ideas seem a bit complex, although they can expand the gameplay, imagine the possibilities!

Awaiting responses.


alt Re: Some cool CS2D ideas!

User Off Offline

as he said,dc have his own plans for cs2d and his games.
and now u know,if u want to give some ideas,post it in off-topic

alt Re: Some cool CS2D ideas!

User Off Offline

i think CS2D is very nice. and it doesnt need SUPER TURRETS!
when its done, everyguy use them and dont FIGHT with anyone. it sux
Mutation? Like what? theres already a zombie mod.

alt Re: Some cool CS2D ideas!

Admin Off Offline

MrShock hat geschrieben
FAQ Say : If you have some good idea you can post it to Off-Topic. And DC don´t need new ideas.

you got the FAQ wrong. cs2d ideas belong to the CS2D forum. everything else is nonsense.
the FAQ is about general ideas for new games.

whatsoever: there is a thread for 0119 ideas. use it instead.

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