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English Enemy M4A1 much stronger?

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old closed Enemy M4A1 much stronger?


I've noticed something weird.. whenever I play
in one of the dedicated servers, it looks like my enemy
M4A1 is much stronger then when I shoot with one..
This happens alot of times, I die so quickly I think like
'' huh? How can I die so fast? M4A1 is much stronger
now?''? Its very weird, when I shoot it takes a bit
longer time to kill him then when he shoots me with
M4A1 i die quick.. Sorry for my bad english, can someone
explain whats going on?

old Re: Enemy M4A1 much stronger?


I know how I am moving and aiming.. That's not the
problem. I move and aim the same as they do, yet
somehow my HP decreases so dramatically fast that
like WTF its over in seconds, when I kill someone
with a M4A1 it takes a age.

old Re: Enemy M4A1 much stronger?

User Off Offline

Maybe it's not M4A1.........

Or, someone is shooting out of your sight...

Or, maybe an automouse..(clicks really fast)

old Re: Enemy M4A1 much stronger?


No it happens so quickly I dont know what happened..
Scarface, Velemir, Meche, and all the others just kill me
so fast with a M4A1 or a MAC10 or something.. They
aim at me the same as I do with them yet somehow
they survive with like 40 HP left.. This is not normal,
I'm pretty sure that none of them hack because that is
highly unlikely.. I'm not ''bad'' either because mostly
I shoot and dodge the same as they do! (playing for
3 years or something).. It's very annoying, and no
nobody shoots exept me and the other guy, yet it always happens.. It happens all so fast and when I
kill someone it took like 5 seconds, while they kill me
in less then 3 seconds.. It happens like 80% of the time!
It's very annoying, I heard about CS2DGold that has
an advantage or something? Anyway I'm really confused
about this.

old Re: Enemy M4A1 much stronger?

Admin Off Offline

this does not happen in the normal cs2d (only if there are high pings and lags). probably either the server or the clients are modified/hacked.

old Re: Enemy M4A1 much stronger?

Moderator Off Offline

yes, thats because they move a lot so you can deal them much damage while they have really nice aim, I've played with scar and the rest and I know what you mean

old sdfs

User Off Offline

Buy kevlar and helmet, lololol.

old Re: Enemy M4A1 much stronger?


I always do. lololol.

oh and NightHawk should be kicked out of storm clan.
He insulted me in dutch and kicked me out of a server.

Good job NightHawk, sukkel.

Admin/mod comment

Do you never get tired of this "superguest"? It's really time for DC to implement the feature of temporary IP and user ban for Mods -.- /Flying Lizard EDIT: well, DC has banned him now
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