I need a script if a player use portal gun then other players see the player name who create the portal by pointing on the portal. I want it red and as a hudtxt. Thanks!

portals = {} addhook("build","_b") function _b(id,type,x,y,mode,objectid) 	if type == 21 or type == 22 then 		table.insert(portals,{objectid,id}) 	end end addhook("second","_s") function _s() 	for _, id in pairs (player(0,"tableliving")) do 		reqcld(id,2) 	end end addhook("clientdata","_cld") function _cld(id, mode, x, y) 	if mode == 2 then 		local tx = math.floor(x/32) 		local ty = math.floor(y/32) 		for k,v in pairs (portals) do 			if object(v[1],"tilex") == tx and object(v[1],"tiley") == ty then 				local rel_x = x - player(id, "x") - 320 				local rel_y = y - player(id, "y") - 240 				parse("hudtxt2 0 "..id.." "\169255000000Created by '..v[2]..'" "..rel_x.." "..rel_y.." 0") 			end 		end 	end end
addhook("attack","atk") addhook("attack2","atk") function atk(id) for k,v in ipairs(portals) do if id==v[2] and player(id,"weapontype")==88 then portals[k]={} end end end
parse('hudtxt2 0 '..id..' "\169255000000Created by '..player(v[2],'name')..'" '..rel_x..' '..rel_y)
"Created by '..v[2]..'"v[2] returns an ID of portal builder, nor the name, so I fix it.
[17:16:04] LUA ERROR: sys/lua/test.lua:26: ')' expected near '\' [17:16:04] -> [C]: in function 'dofile' [17:16:04] -> sys/lua/server.lua:22: in main chunk
parse('hudtxt2 ' ...). Replace the 26 line with this one and tell me if it works.
parse('hudtxt2 0 ' .. id .. '\169255000000Created by ' .. v[2] .. ' ' .. rel_x .. ' ' .. rel_y .. ' 0')
addhook("ms100","_ms") function _ms() 	for _,id in pairs (player(0,"tableliving")) do 		reqcld(id,2) 	end end addhook("clientdata","_cld") function _cld(id,m,x,y) 	if m == 2 then 		for k,v in pairs (object(0,"table")) do 			if object(v,"type") == 22 or object(v,"type") == 23 and object(v,"tilex") == math.floor(x/32) and object(v,"tiley") == math.floor(y/32) then 				parse('hudtxt2 0 '..id..' "\169255000000Created by '..player(object(v,"player"),'name')..'" '..x-player(id,"x")+320 ..' '..y-player(id,"y")+240 ..' 0') 			else 				if objectat(math.floor(x/32),math.floor(y/32)) == 0 then 					parse('hudtxt2 0 '..id..' "" 0 0 0') 				end 			end 		end 	end end
_cldfunction can be improved further because of
addhook("clientdata","_cld") function _cld(id,m,x,y) 	if m == 2 then 		local tx, ty = math.floor(x/32), math.floor(y/32) 		local oid = math.max(objectat(tx,ty,22),objectat(tx,ty,23)) 		if oid > 0 and player(id,"weapontype") == 88 then 			parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 0 "\169255000000Created by '..player(object(oid,"player"),'name')..'" '..x-player(id,"x")+324 ..' '..y-player(id,"y")+244 ..' 0') 		else 			parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 0 "" 0 0 0') 		end 	end end