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English Env_Sound in a Selected Zone

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old Env_Sound in a Selected Zone

User Off Offline

I've noticed that their is no neat way to play certain sounds in certain areas without a nearby env_sound showing up aswell. Awhile back I tried to make a rain map with buildings you could enter, I put one on the outside and one on the inside. The outside one played the rain while the inside one played a different rain sound effect but with the raining hitting the roof from an inside perspective. No matter what I did when you were inside you could hear the outside rain and when outside you could still hear the inside sound.

Is there a script or a way that I can play sound based on a tile selection system so that when a player enters the selected tiles defined by one entity that sound will play with the other sounds fading out and vice versa for reentering the other sound zone.

If this isn't a feature this needs to be as this would help diversify maps with various environmental specific sounds!

If someone has an alternative method for getting this done please feel free to let me know!


old Re: Env_Sound in a Selected Zone

Moderator Off Offline

This works similarly like safe zone scripts. Try finding one and when you do, change the part where you cannot be killed into the part where you hear a different sound.

old Re: Env_Sound in a Selected Zone

Moderator Off Offline

Both links provide good codes, it's up to you to choose which one is more understandable but they're basically the same, just written with different words for variables.

I'm afraid CS2D does not have the possibility to manipulate sound. As far as I know, it's possible in BlitzMax (I tried it out myself) but CS2D does not allow that. So I suppose you could lets say, make rain consist of a very short audio that's repeated a lot to make the sound effect. When the player goes into a building, another sound would play that's responsible for your fadeout/fadein effect and then new sound would begin that's meant for inside building.

You'll find that many things you want to make are impossible. I've already done that many many times. However, what we lack in possibility, we can always compensate with creativity
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