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English How do change your map size and tileset tutorial

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old How do change your map size and tileset tutorial

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•Hello , all boy's , girls and other noob's * no offence *•

So , i wanted to make tutorial about how do change your map size and/or your tile set in cs2d editor..'s possibel do change the are of your map and change your tileset ..

•Open ''Editor''

•Press on wrench looking button that is called ''Map Propeties''


•If you want do change your map size then look at ''Map Size'' , next do it you can see boxes where are numbers in . If you wanna make map bigger , then enter 1 number in first box , let's say , you chose 100 , then in other box next do it enter some other number , let's say you chosen 150 , so the map will be size 100x150 !


•So , if you wanna change tileset , then press on box (Wich is under ''Map Size''), near ''Tileset'' and change your tile set ! It only takes you max 2 min of your life !!! -.-

•If you wanna change your map's background do something kooler than shust color what you can change under ''Background Image'' then change it ! It's not so hard , and you can find it under ''Tileset'' ...!

•If you wanna change your scroll speed , then you can change it under ''Background Color'' has the same method as the ''Map Size'' DOES have the same mehtod as the ''Map Size'' thing has! .. enter some number's in boxes and your finished!

√Wasn't so hard ? If it wasn't then your not a noob , and if it was , you are probaly NOOB..:)*no offence*√

That's it for this turtorial, ill make some new tutorials maybe , but that's it for now,bye!! °I hope that i helped some ppl :D°

old Re: How do change your map size and tileset tutorial

User Off Offline

user asdbanana has written
•Hello , all boy's , girls and other noob's no offence

So everybody is a noob. Well well.

user asdbanana has written's possibel do change the are of your map and change your tileset ..

Amg u serious? Maybe you should remove typos first.

user asdbanana has written
It only takes you max 2 min of your life !!! -.-

2 minutes to choose a tileset? sure brah

user asdbanana has written
I hope that i helped some ppl :D°

Mhm.. don't think you did. It's a huge tutorial for something totally unnecessary.
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